Geography study cards


Flashcards on Geography study cards, created by The Popstar on 29/05/2017.
The Popstar
Flashcards by The Popstar, updated more than 1 year ago
The Popstar
Created by The Popstar over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Geography ~ Geography Matters ~ Mapping Madness ~ My place ~ The Caribbean ~ The Underworld: Coral Reefs ~ Extreme flooding
Name the 5 Oceans Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, Indian, Atlantic
What are the main lines of latitude and longitude?!? ~ Equator: (0,0) ~ Tropic Of Cancer (23.5 North) ~ Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 south) ~ Arctic circle (66.5 North ~ Antarctic Circle (66.5 south)
What are the ways of showing height on a map? ~ Spot height ~ Triangulation Pillars ~ Layer Coloring ~Contour Lines
Nucleated Settlement means: Homes built around each other in a community
what are the 7 continents? North America, South America, Asia ,Africa, Antarctica, Europe, Australasia/Oceania
What is a linear settlement: Houses built along a strait, long road
Physical geography: Study of the Earth's natural features.
Human Geography: The study of where and how people live
Environmental Geography: Study of how people effect their surroundings.
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