Goal Setting OR120: Ashworth College.


Flashcards on Goal Setting OR120: Ashworth College., created by Leah Tibbets on 23/08/2017.
Leah Tibbets
Flashcards by Leah Tibbets, updated more than 1 year ago
Leah Tibbets
Created by Leah Tibbets about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
All Goals Must Revolve Around Your Purpose: T or F? True
Why is goal setting essential? Open Answer
What is hope? Hope is not a strategy, it is a gamble.
When planning your career it is important to look at the process in what 3 stages? 1. Past 2. Present 3. Future.
How did you get to the point that you are at right now? Open Answer
Passion & Purpose are how we: Serve Others
What are Interim Goals? Each small step towards your goal (career ladder)
If there is not a clearly defined purpose or strong enough why, people revert back to their Comfort zone
What is the definition of "comfort zone?" a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress. "times when we must act beyond our comfort zones"
Without a strong enough why you will fail
Measure your career & life as if there were no second chances because in reality there are none. "YOLO"
TIP ALERT Enjoy each successful experience and sensation in your development no matter how small.
TIP ALERT Seek the hidden treasures in a chance encounter.
Science has taught us what about the brain? The human bind is a performance based organ.
Whatever command you send to your subconscious mind It will focus 24/hrs 7 days a week to attain it.
C: B: A: Conceive it Believe it Achieve it
TEN KEYS TO SETTING EFFECTIVE GOALS #1 Balance 1. Balance You must balance your personal and work lives. (Career, Financial, Health, Relationships, and Spirituality)
Ten Keys #2 Beneficial to others: Your goals should be beneficial to others. Contribution goals are the best!
Ten Keys #3 Challenging: They must challenge you because who wants to work on something that is too easy? There's no point. SET DEMANDING GOALS
Ten Keys #4 Flexible: Your goals must be fluid and versatile so you can modify them from learning what works and what doesn't.
Ten Keys #5 Measurable: You must be as specific as possible in setting goals (lbs, date, title)
Ten Keys #6 Mirror Your Values: Make sure your values are in sync with your identity (who you are, what you stand for)
Ten Keys #7 Purposeful: You must be able to articulate why you want to achieve your goal. You must have a valid reason.
Ten Keys #8 Realistic: Your goals must be realistically attainable by set date and what you want to do. (Flying to Mars does not count)
Ten Keys #9 Supported: Make sure your goals can be supported by friends and loved ones.
Ten Keys #10 Make your goals your own.
Yale Study 1953 Only 3% of an entire class had written goals in their 1953 class. 20 years later in 1975 they were resurveyed and it was found that the 3% were earning TEN times as much as the other 97%
Most people who write and plan their goals aren't any more successful than those who don't: T or F False. It is highly important to write and plan your goals out so you can stay focused on your ULTIMATE goal.
5 Proven Success Strategies #1 Study high achievers in your field
5 Proven Success Strategies #2 Purchase Notebooks: It is a powerful tool to expand your inner-self. When you think it, INK IT!
5 Proven Success Strategies #3 Establish Family Goals and be careful of what you fill your mind with right before bed. Fill your mind with positive reinforcement, affirmation of your goals, and critical reflections of a great day spent contributing to others.
5 Proven Success Strategies #4 Purchase a photo album to create a visual reinforcement of your key goals.
5 Proven Success Strategies # 5 Create a goal setting journal: Every successful person practices the art of setting and monitoring their goals and objectives. Begin with a paragraph affirmation and follow up with the five categories containing goals.
5 Goal Categories 1. Career 2.Financial 3. Health & fitness 4. Relationships 5. Spirituality
Adding small amounts of physical activity is impossible to fit into peoples schedules sometimes when they get really busy: T or F False. You can do physical activity for as little as 10 minutes each day just by doing things you always do. It is recommended that you do at least 2.5 hours of exercise per week.
Defining Success #1-3 1.Thrive on pressure 2.Establish good habits and eliminate bad ones. TIP: keep your work life and private life separate. 3. Listen More. TIP: (listen twice as much as you talk)
Defining Success #4 4. Build self-esteem because in order to succeed, you have to feel good about yourself and understand that you deserve success.
Defining Success #5 Always be positive "What I do best is share my enthusiasm."-- Bill Gates
Defining Success #6 - 7 6. Learn from adversity When you fail, step back, examine your role, and accept the blame, adapt, and learn. 7. Learn from Role Models Emulate their good traits and learn from their mistakes.
Defining Success #8 Be very persistent. Persistence helps to achieve success because success is a long-term commitment. Develop the PHd outlook Poor. Hungry. and Driven.
Defining Success #9 Set Demanding Goals: We all make excuses for our weaknesses but if you don't conquer them one by one they will cause you to miss opportunities.
Defining Success #10 Survive Success: Today's success is often tomorrows failure. maintain discipline and write down your own secrets to success.
Make S.M.A.R.T. goals S: specific (use the who what where when which and why format) M: Measurable- Clear, Distinct, Monitoring progress. A: Attainable- Make sure you can attain them in a reasonable time period. R: Realistic T: Timely- be specific on times.
5 Rs 1. Repetition 2. Routine- creates a subconscious change 3. Ritual- develop an attachment to a behavior. 4. Rhythm (Flow/ incredible momentum) 5. Results
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