Geography- superpowers 7.1


A2 Geography Flowchart on Geography- superpowers 7.1, created by Caroline Pawley on 06/10/2017.
Caroline Pawley
Flowchart by Caroline Pawley, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline Pawley
Created by Caroline Pawley over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Superpower- A state or organisation that is able to extend a dominant influence globally.
  • Emerging power- A state or organisation that is growing significantly in power and beginning to extend a more global influence
  • Regional power- A state or organisation with a sphere of influence that tends to be continental rather than global. 
  • they use....
  • Hard Power
  • Soft Power
  • . Power through force, intimidation or coercion. . Direct control  
  • . Power through favour or persuasion . Indirect control
  • Examples . Military- USA spends 39% of GDP on military, North Korea . Political- EU, NAFTA.        
  • Examples . Economic- USA . Cultural- Harry Potter, Football etc.
  • Using the two together is known as 'smart' power which creates
  • Uni-Polar: A world with a single, dominant power
  • Geopolitical: Referring to the influence of geographical factors on international relations.
  • Bi-Polar: A world with two dominant powers
  • Multi-Polar: A world with a multitude of powers
  • The British Empire (colonialism) 25% of land mass, more than 25% of total pop. 
  • Cold War- USA and the USSR.
  • After the turn of the century, each GP was eager to expand their colony. 
  • Suez Canal- Gives Egypt geopolitical power.
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