Approaches to Research


Research Flowchart on Approaches to Research , created by María Rodríguez Baquero on 02/09/2018.
María  Rodríguez Baquero
Flowchart by María Rodríguez Baquero, updated more than 1 year ago
María  Rodríguez Baquero
Created by María Rodríguez Baquero about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • We can find three main approaches for research
  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative
  • Mixed Methods
  • It is a means to explore to and understand the meaning that individuals or groups atribute to a human or social problem  
  • Approaches to Research
  • It is a means to taste objective theories by examining the relationship between variables
  • It is a research approach that combines or associates qualitative and quantitative methods and concepts
  • Inductive Style
  • It is based on 
  • A focus on individual meaning 
  • The importance of presenting the complexity of a situation 
  • Its process involves
  • Emerging questions and procedures
  • Data collected in the participant's environment 
  • Data analysis constructed inductively from details to general topics
  • Researcher makes interpretations of the meaning of the data
  • The final written report has a flexible structure
  • It is based on
  • It is based on
  • Its process involves
  • Its process involves 
  • Deductive Style 
  • Building protections against bias
  • Controlling alternative explanations
  • Managing to generalize and replicate the findings 
  • Variables can be measured
  • Numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures 
  • Final written report has an established structure 
  • Introduction
  • Literature and Theory 
  • Methods
  • Results 
  • Discussion
  • It involves more than simply collecting and analyzing data
  • It implies the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches 
  • It pretends that the strength of a study be grater than qualitative or quantitative research 
  • Philosophical assumtions
  • Qualitative and quantitative approaches
  • The mixing of both approaches in a study
  • On which of these approaches to use should be taken into acoount that :
  • We must ask ourselves investigative questions
  • Their use depends on aspects such as the theoretical approach, the proposed objectives or one's own preferences, among many others
  • We must investigate different perspectives, from different realities
  • Qualitative approach allows to explore the problems in grater depth 
  • Quantitative approach allows obtaining a more detailed understandingwithin an area  
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