Man's capacity for God


Memory work for Chapter 1: Man's capacity for God
Peter Thomer
Flowchart by Peter Thomer, updated more than 1 year ago
Peter Thomer
Created by Peter Thomer over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • For what three reasons is man by nature and vocation a religious being?
  • 1. He comes from God 2. He goes toward God 3. He lives a fully human life only if he freely lives by his bond with God
  • What is the ultimate end of man's life?
  • To live in communion with God
  • How can man, without a special Revelation, arrive at certainty about God's existence?
  • By listening 1. to the message of creation(area of the physical world) 2. to the voice of conscience(area of the human person) 
  • Can the one true God be known with certainty from His works?
  • Enter text here
  • Yes. By the natural light of human reason
  • Why can God be named starting from the manifold perfections of His creature?
  • Because they are likenesses of the infinitely perfect God
  • What does 'without the Creator, the creature vanishes' in GS 36 mean?
  • Created things depend on God and that man cannot use them without referring them to their creator
  • Catechism of the Catholic ChurchMan's capacity for God
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