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Man's capacity for God
Memory work for Chapter 1: Man's capacity for God
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catholic studies
Flowchart by
Peter Thomer
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Peter Thomer
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Flowchart nodes
For what three reasons is man by nature and vocation a religious being?
1. He comes from God 2. He goes toward God 3. He lives a fully human life only if he freely lives by his bond with God
What is the ultimate end of man's life?
To live in communion with God
How can man, without a special Revelation, arrive at certainty about God's existence?
By listening 1. to the message of creation(area of the physical world) 2. to the voice of conscience(area of the human person)
Can the one true God be known with certainty from His works?
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Yes. By the natural light of human reason
Why can God be named starting from the manifold perfections of His creature?
Because they are likenesses of the infinitely perfect God
What does 'without the Creator, the creature vanishes' in GS 36 mean?
Created things depend on God and that man cannot use them without referring them to their creator
Catechism of the Catholic ChurchMan's capacity for God
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