computer system


Mind Map on computer system, created by Lucas kerssenbrock on 15/09/2017.
Lucas kerssenbrock
Mind Map by Lucas kerssenbrock, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucas kerssenbrock
Created by Lucas kerssenbrock about 7 years ago

Resource summary

computer system
  1. Output
    1. computer moniter - allows user to see the data on the screen
      1. printer - allows use to print out documents
        1. speaker - allows user to output sound
          1. LED - allowsw user to light it up
          2. Input
            1. Keyboard - allows user to enter data by pressing keys
              1. Mouse - allows user to enter data by clicking
                1. touch screen - allows user to enter data by swiping and pressing on the screen
                  1. microphone - allows the user to input data by sound
                  2. Storage
                    1. Software
                      1. magnetic
                        1. Magnetic Tape
                          1. magnetic disk
                          2. solid state
                            1. SDcard
                              1. USB stick
                                1. micro SDcard
                                2. optical
                                  1. DvD
                                    1. CD
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