
Mind Map of Week 1 Review Questions for Final Exam
Emma  Taurere
Mind Map by Emma Taurere , updated more than 1 year ago
Emma  Taurere
Created by Emma Taurere over 7 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Most people agree with Free Will
      1. Most scientific theories & psychology = based on determinism
        1. All actions by humans = prior biological or enviro factors
        2. Soft Determinism - SEE LIGHT PINK
          1. 'Born Criminals'
            1. Biological: Nature
              1. Environmental: Nurture
                1. Most Theories accept: combination of the two
                  1. e.g. Biobehavioural perspective
                  2. Natural isn't always good.e.g. earthquakes
                  3. NORMAL/PATHOLOGICAL
                    1. How much behaviour is seen as 'sickness'
                      1. Varies according to crime: paedophilia vs. assault
                        1. Do offenders the same motivations as non-offenders or psychologically 'sick'?
                        2. PERSON/SITUATION
                          1. All behaviour involves an interaction between characteristics of individual and immediate situations
                            1. It is both situational and personal variables = crim behaviour
                              1. Offenders require opportunity
                                1. SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH
                                  1. Theoretical
                                    1. Group explanations: eg culture, society
                                    2. Empirical
                                      1. correlational data - large samples
                                      2. Ideological
                                        1. mix: political issues & science. eg: Marxism, feminism
                                        2. society that causes crime
                                        3. PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH
                                          1. Theoretical
                                            1. boxes in the head: learning, attitudes, beliefs
                                            2. Empirical
                                              1. Experimental data: small samples
                                              2. Ideological
                                                1. Try to maintain neutrality
                                                2. individuals and their experience that causes crime
                                                3. OVERLAPS
                                                  1. Complementary approaches - Both must be consistent
                                                4. HOW CAN MORAL QUESTIONS INFORM MORAL DEBATE?
                                                  1. Science ignores the moral consequences of an idea
                                                    1. Science changes when new data arrives
                                                      1. All ideas are considered, even if they contradict “obvious” facts
                                                      2. WHAT ARE THE SHORTCOMINGS OF THESE DEFINITIONS OF 'MENTAL PATHOLOGY'
                                                        1. He is not normal, He has a disease, He is morally sick
                                                          1. Medical Model:
                                                            1. Biological Psychological & behavioural dysfunction
                                                              1. Crim behaviour thought as result = "sickness needed "cured'
                                                              2. Linked to Normal vs Pathological
                                                                1. 'Mad' or 'Bad'
                                                                2. No one condition is sufficient to justify label of Pathology.
                                                                  1. American Psychiatric Association - must be combination of conditions to = mental disorder.
                                                              3. What is the naturalistic fallacy and why is it a fallacy?
                                                                1. "What is natural must be good"
                                                                  1. Many natural events = not good
                                                                    1. e.g. Cancer, Volcanoes, Painful Childbirth
                                                                2. If a person's behaviour is determined, can it still be intentional?
                                                                  1. Some Cognitive psychologists proposed concept of - 'soft determinism'
                                                                    1. Soft Determinists believe...
                                                                      1. Humans capable of conceptual thought but - limited capacity to make choices & control our behaviour.
                                                                        1. Despite philosophical gap between free-will & determinism - both = similar conclusions
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