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Essay Plan
LUBS1060 Mind Map on Essay Plan, created by Heather Jones on 29/09/2017.
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Mind Map by
Heather Jones
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Heather Jones
over 7 years ago
Resource summary
Essay Plan
Overall Argument
Internships have positive impact on future career
WE gives headstart but over course of career advantages even out
If unpaid internships are conducted to same quality as paid then no significant difference
Source 1
Internships have increased in importance over recent years
Why more are being offered
no. offered in 2017 dipped - may be an anomaly?? As it goes against trend
Future employers clearly want to employ graduates with WE
Focuses on paid internships
Better employment prospects
Once placement is completed recruiters can offer position
Student can concentrate on final year exams = better grades = better future career prospects
Shows candidates have proven their abilities
"first-hand experience"
"featured in this research"
What organisations have highfliers ltd used??
Have they chosen specific businesses to exaggerate the effect of internships on future career success?? - selective bias
Use of median average
Investment Banking
More internships available than jobs - without an internship may be almost impossible to get a job in this field
Source 2
Unlike sources 1 and 3 focuses on unpaid internships
Only evidence against unpaid internships is research by an American study
Way unpaid internships are viewed in UK and USA may be very different so not applicable
Given no further detail on this study in the article - how many employers and colleges were considered? What part(s) of USA??
Lower starting salary
May not be less successful over whole course of career
Whilst wages are lower skills gained my help graduates progress further in their careers and more quickly
Graduate employers quoted in article
Heather Baker
Discusses a string of short-term internships rather than specifically differences between paid/unpaid
May have been specifically chosen for this article since she takes a negative view of internships
"Committed to something for a long time" - could apply to a long term paid/unpaid internship
Article suggests other ways to gain experience other than internships
Provided unpaid internships are conducted properly and skill areas are relevant they can benefit career - same applies to paid internships??
Source 3
Makes no difference between paid or unpaid - considers both equally
Journal Article
Reliable source as checked by other field experts
Relevant as focus specifically on business students
Reliable as all data is checked using statistical tests to check for significant differences between interns and non interns
Interns give better skill preparation
University was only higher in one skill area - oral presentation
More skills make it easier to find a job
Higher starting salaries for interns
Candidates with more experience would be more likely to receive offers at the upper end of the starting salary range
Average time to obtain first position was shorter for interns
Interns reached salary reviews sooner
Internships provide better preparation in job acquisition skills e.g. interviewing and networking
Study only considers 4 year period
What about beyond this period??
Internships may only give headstart
Still possible for noninterns to be as successful, may just take longer to reach that point
Downsides of internships
interns provide a cheap source of labour
May lack sufficient quality control
Need to be monitored and conducted properly
Advantages of attending a good school may overshadow internships
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