Portrayal of Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby


A level English Mind Map on Portrayal of Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, created by Drasti Patel on 29/09/2017.
Drasti Patel
Mind Map by Drasti Patel, updated more than 1 year ago
Drasti Patel
Created by Drasti Patel about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Portrayal of Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby
  1. Daisy Buchanan
    1. (1) In the novel, Daisy is beautiful and charming but she is also presented as shallow and ditzy. She promises to Gatsby that she would wait for him to come back from the war but instead marries Tom Buchanan for his financial stability. She is portrayed as only being focused on materialistic things such as wealth, status, and appearance. She behaves superficially to mask her pain at her husband’s constant infidelity.
      1. (2)Daisy seems to have achieved complete success with her marriage to Tom Buchanan and her popularity within higher social circles but she knows that he is cheating and she still pretends to be oblivious. In the novel, she quotes "I'm glad it’s a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool, that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” In reference to her daughters’ birth. She says this because she knows the role of women and how they are portrayed in the eyes of men. Women were expected to tolerate what was going on around them and act like they don't know anything. This quote can also refer to Daisy because she acts oblivious to her husband’s infidelity but she is with him because of the wealth and his appearance.
        1. (3)Daisy also has a love of the finer things in life as she wants to be rich. We can see this as when she sees Gatsby’s wealth she starts to fall for him because he has finally gotten rich since the last time they have met. She is confused as to what she wants. This shows that Daisy is shallow because she only married tom because of money but now that she sees Gatsby with money she is confused as to where she wants to be.
          1. (4) Daisy demonstrates weakness and her love for money and riches and popularity through this. She is portrayed as careless and disloyal because she once again chooses Tom over Gatsby and she lets him take the blame for the killing of myrtle, which caused Mr. Wilson to kill Gatsby.
          2. Myrtle Wilson
            1. (1) Myrtle is portrayed to be foolish and adulterous. She leaves George, her husband for Tom, Daisy’s husband, who beats her and is just using her as an object. She pretends to be friends with Daisy but is having a long-time affair with Tom she is also jealous of Daisy. This could be due to her being unhappy at her lack of luxuries because she does not have as much money as perhaps Daisy and Tom do. She only married George because of what she thought he would be.
              1. (2) Later she found out how poor he was "I thought he knew something...but he was not fit to lick my shoe". This shows that Myrtle knew she had made a mistake in marrying George when she found out that he was not rich as she expected him to be. She believes that he is worthless because he is poor, this suggests her shallowness as she looks down on those that have less. She has an affair with Tom because he is rich. She states that when she first seen Tom she was attracted by his suit which also suggests her need for materialistic things and that she was only attracted to him by what he wore. She never really loved Tom either she just wanted his money.
                1. Myrtle Wilson is a foolish woman stuck in a bad marriage who can only think of the higher part of society. She wants to be rich and have a lavish lifestyle that eventually leads to her demise
                2. Jordan Baker
                  1. (2) Around Nick she is herself and this is probably the reason why she opens up to Nick, however, she doesn't really love Nick, she is just attracted to him because she can open up to him and be herself. Jordan is also careless. An example of this is when Nick criticizes her because of her driving but she does not care. She is also arrogant and looks down on people who aren't as rich as her. In the novel, she states "Let’s get out. This is too much polite for me.” She is blunt and says what is on her mind and gossips and blurts out secrets, for example when she is the first to share that Myrtle is Toms Mistress.
                    1. (1) Jordan represents a new type of woman in the 20's. She is harsh, self-sufficient and very confident, she also has a very strong personality. She is independent and does not need a man in her life unlike characters such as Daisy. She is not a girl in the sense of being dependent on a man. she plays professional golf which makes her different from Myrtle, and Daisy in the novel. She is a dishonest person and bends the truth constantly as Nick noticed. She has even cheated to win her golf tournament. She plays with men's feelings and is not interested in a relationship. She loves attention from men and enjoys going to Gatsby’s parties.
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