Similar Shapes!


Jasmine Pritchard-Hilton
Mind Map by Jasmine Pritchard-Hilton, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine Pritchard-Hilton
Created by Jasmine Pritchard-Hilton about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Similar Shapes!
  1. What the buns is this?
    1. Similar Shapes are identical in shape (obviously), but not in size.
      1. For example, two circles are similar, and two squares are similar...
        1. Two rectangles could be similar... but probably won't be...
      2. Stuff to remember!
        1. For any pair of similar figures corresponding sides are in the same ratio and corresponding angles are equal.
          1. Similar Figures
            1. Here, B is an enlargement of A. The lengths have doubled, but the angles have stayed the same.
          2. Yayu! Questions! :' )
            1. The rectangles pqrs and PQRS are similar. What is the length of PS?
                1. LOL do you give up? ¬ u ¬
                  1. The answer is PS = 15.75cm Here's how to work it out.
                    1. We know that the sides are in the same ratio, so PS/ps = PQ/pq
                      1. Include the numbers you already know from the diagram like this: PS/9 = 7/4
                        1. PS = (7 × 9) ÷ 4 = 63 ÷ 4 = 15.75 cm
                          1. Remember : Try to use the formula which has the 'unknown' at the top of the fraction.
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