Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Protein Form and Function (Methods) Mind Map on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, created by sophie_connor on 25/05/2013.
Mind Map by sophie_connor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophie_connor over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  1. What does it do?
    1. Determines structures of biological macromolecules
      1. Study time dependent phenomena
        1. Reaction kinetics
          1. Molecular recognition
            1. Protein folding
            2. Energy levels of atomic nuclei are split by a magnetic field
              1. Transitions between energy levels can be induced by exciting the sample with radiation whose frequency is equivalent to the energy difference between the two levels
            3. Limitations
              1. Low sensitivity
                1. High complexity
                2. New developments in NMR
                  1. Progress in spectromer technology has increased sensitivity and resolution of NMR
                    1. Theoretical advances
                      1. Better understanding of information from NMR
                      2. Advances in biochemical methods
                        1. Simple and fast preparation of samples
                        2. Heteronuclei can be incorporated into protein
                        3. Why NMR?
                          1. Probe molecules are in their natural state
                            1. Structure
                              1. Function
                                1. Dynamics
                                  1. Interactions with ligands, proteins and membranes
                                  2. No crystal packing effects
                                    1. No need to crystallise
                                      1. NMR is expensive and uses large equipment but structural and functional information can be found out
                                      2. Peptide bond
                                        1. Repeating unit throughout the protein
                                          1. Allows NMR to work
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