

3rd period
Knuckles The Enchilada
Mind Map by Knuckles The Enchilada, updated more than 1 year ago
Knuckles The Enchilada
Created by Knuckles The Enchilada almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Geography
    1. southwest from the sahara desert
      1. 621,371 miles
        1. located in west africa
          1. Achievements
            1. a cultural center
              1. Religion
                1. 98% muslim
                  1. 2% christian
                  2. everybody is religious
                    1. Politics
                      1. government led by mansa or emperor
                        1. The empire was then divided up into provinces that were each led by a governor called a ferba.
                          1. the Mali Empire became stronger and took over surrounding kingdoms including the Empire of Ghana.
                            1. Economics
                              1. Gold, salt, copper, and kola nuts were central to Mali's economy.
                                1. The caravan routes met at Niani and other staging posts, and their protection was a major function of the empire.
                                  1. very rich economy
                                    1. Social Structure
                                      1. emperors were highest
                                        1. farmers were really high
                                          1. soldiers were 3rd
                                2. developed the city of timbuktu
                                  1. Mansa Musa
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