social media


User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on social media, created by Deleted user on 15/11/2017.
Deleted user
Mind Map by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Madoc Black
Created by Madoc Black about 7 years ago
Madoc Black
Copied by Madoc Black about 7 years ago

Resource summary

social media
  1. what do you do when you receive abuse from someone online?
    1. Don't reply, however tempting and block them
    2. how do you protect your online identity on social network sites
      1. Don't put any IMPORTANT information about yourself online
      2. What would a cuber bullyer do?
        1. I know where you live
          1. I'm gonna kill you
            1. Baby
            2. How do you know someone says who they really are?
              1. Only add people as your friends if you know them in real life.
              Show full summary Hide full summary


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