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Autonomic Nervous System
massey university
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autonomic nervous system drugs
Mind Map by
Samara Watts
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Samara Watts
about 7 years ago
Resource summary
Autonomic Nervous System
Adrenergic Pharmacology
A Receptors
A1- Adrenerrgic antagonists
MOA: Bind to A1 receptors, blocking SNS response
eg. prazosin
use: hypertension, peripheral vascular disease
AE: hypotension, frequent urination
A1- Adrenergic agonists
MOA: Bind to A1 receptors, stimulating SNS response
eg. phenylephrine
use: hypotension, nasal congestion, red eyes
Adverse effects: hypertension, blurred vision
A2- Agonists
MOA: bind to A2 receptors, stopping release of catecholamines
eg. clonidine
use: hypertension
AE: dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth/nose
B Receptors
B1- Adrenergic agonists
MOA: binds to B1 receptors, stimulating SNS response
eg. dobutamine
use: cardiac arrest, circulatory shock
AE: hypertension, tachycardia
B2-Adrenergic agonists
MOA: binds to B2 receptors, stimulating SNS response
eg. salbutamol, salmeterol
use: COPD, asthma
AE: tremor, tachycardia, ^ Blood glucose
B-Antagonists/ Beta blockers
MOA: bind to B receptors, blocking SNS response
eg. carvedilol
use: cardiac disease, hypertension
AE: dizziness lethargy, insomnia
Non selective Adrenergic agonists:
Bind to A and B receptors, stimulating SNS response
eg. adrenaline, noadrenaline, dopamine
Use: cardiac arrest, hypotension, shock
Cholinergic Pharmacology
Muscarinic Receptors
eg. acetylcholine
MOA: binds to muscarinic receptors, stimulating PNS response
use: miotics
AE: problems with eye accomadation
eg. atropine
MOA: bind to muscarinic receptors, Blocking PNS response
use: pre-med, dilation of pupils
AE: dry mouth, blurred vision
Nicotinic Receptors
eg. vecuronium
MOA: binds to nicotine receptors, blocking ACh binding
use: pre-med
AE: decreased BP
eg. suxamethonium
MOA: mimicts ACh & binds to nicotinic receptors
use: short acting muscle relaxant
AE: muscle spasm, hyperkalemia
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