La Alhambra


Bohdin Olsen Fernandez's Mind Map on La Alhambra
Bohdin Fernandez
Mind Map by Bohdin Fernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Bohdin Fernandez
Created by Bohdin Fernandez about 7 years ago

Resource summary

La Alhambra
  1. La Alhambra was first used according to historical documents as a place of refuge by Sawwar ben Hamdun
    1. Sawwar had to repair the Alcazaba due to civil fights.
    2. In 1238, the Alhambra was used as a royal reidence
      1. During the rule of kings Mohammed I, II, and III, the Alhambra was repaired, and places like the Watch Tower, the Keep, and the Mosque.
        1. Yusuf I and Mohammed V built and improved Alcazaba, the palaces, the Patio of the Lions, the Justice Gate, the Baths, the Comares Room, and the Hall of the Boat.
      2. In the 18th century, the Alhambra was partly blown up
        1. The French domination is when part of the Alhambra was blown up.
          1. The Alhambra was not repaired and restored until the 19th century
        2. Made in 889
          1. The Alhambra is known for having reddish walls.
            1. In the 9th century, the Alhambra was implied as a military fortress
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