Economic Aspects of European Integration


Business/Economics Mind Map on Economic Aspects of European Integration, created by stefan schmidt on 21/01/2018.
stefan schmidt
Mind Map by stefan schmidt, updated more than 1 year ago
stefan schmidt
Created by stefan schmidt about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Economic Aspects of European Integration
  1. Political Dimension
    1. Federal-/ Confederal-/ Nation-States
      1. centralization vs decentralization unity/identity vs diversity
      2. Institutions of the EU
        1. Parliament, Council, Commission, Court
        2. Redistribution Concerns
          1. Identity & Nation building
            1. Pillar appraoch (Pre-Lisbon)
            2. Liberalization and the Internal Market
              1. Market Integration
                1. Segmented Markets -> Regionalism -> Globalization
                  1. Five Fredooms approach
                    1. reducing internal and external distances/barriers
                      1. competetive and comparative advantage
                        1. Impact on consumers
                      2. Establishing Competition
                        1. pro-competetive effect
                          1. consolidation/ M&A´s
                            1. economies of scale
                              1. market size
                          2. EU-Competition Policy
                            1. Objective: Maintaining competition
                              1. Legal setting: Art. 101, 102, 107-109
                              2. Relevant Cases: Google state aid, Truck cartel MAN, M&A Ryanair + AER Lingus, M&A GE + Honeywell
                                1. Central keywords: relevant market, abuse of dominant position, distortion of competition, efficiency defense, national champions
                                2. Global Trade & Investment Relations
                                  1. Multilateralism Regionalism Strategic Globalization Protection
                                    1. Merkel Beer Speech
                                      1. Davos Speech
                                        1. Trade & Integration Agreements
                                          1. Optimum Currency Areas
                                            1. Costs: lost autonomy, asymmetric shocks,
                                              1. Benefits: lower TAC, exchange rate risk & more transparency, competition and trade
                                                1. OCA Theory
                                                  1. Criteria for well-functioning: Economic Convergence, Adjustment Mechanisms to asymmetric shocks, joint policies and a common project
                                                    1. Coalition of the Able, Willing, Unwilling
                                                  2. Objective: Price Stability
                                                2. Location & Cohesion Policy
                                                  1. Krugman Hypothesis
                                                    1. Mobility of labor/companies
                                                      1. Comparative Advantage approach
                                                        1. Regional Agglomeration Approach
                                                          1. Metropolitan Hub Approach
                                                          2. Equality vs Efficiency tradeoffs
                                                            1. Creation of Funds since 1958, esp. bail-outs in banking sector since 2007
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