

A2 Biology (Section 5) Mind Map on Respiration, created by Dominic Weston on 25/01/2018.
Dominic Weston
Mind Map by Dominic Weston, updated more than 1 year ago
Dominic Weston
Created by Dominic Weston over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Glycolysis
    1. Overview:
      1. Splitting molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate
        1. Occurs in the cytoplasm
          1. Doesn't require oxygen
        2. Net gain of 2 ATP, 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate
        3. (1) Phosphorylation
          1. Glucose phosphorylated
            1. Adds 2 phosphate groups from 2 ATP molecules
              1. Resulting in 2 molecules of triose phosphate and 2 ADP
                1. (2) Oxidation
                  1. Both triose phosphate oxided (lose hydrogen)
                    1. Forms 2 molecules of pyruvate and 4 ATP
                      1. Both hydrogen ions each join to an ADP forming NADH
        4. Krebs cycle
          1. Link Reaction
            1. Overview
              1. Occurs in matrix of mitochondria
                1. Converts pyruvate into acetyl coenzyme A
                  1. Link reaction happens twice for every glucose molecule
                    1. As 2 pyruvates produced, both going through the link reaction
                  2. Anaerobic
                    1. Pyruvate is converted into ethanol or Lactate
                      1. Ethanol
                        1. In plants and yeast
                          1. CO2 released from pyruvate to form ethanal
                            1. NADH oxidised to regenerate NAD which can be used in glycolysis
                              1. Still making ATP even if anaerobic
                                1. Forms ethanol
                            2. Lactate
                              1. In animal cells and bacteria
                                1. pyruvate and NADH react to form lactate (latic acid) and NAD
                                  1. NAD again used in glycolysis to keep ATP production even in small amount
                            3. Aerobic
                              1. Pyruvate is decarboxylated (remove one carbon)
                                1. Carbon joins with O2 to form CO2
                                  1. NAD reduced, taking one hydrogen from pyruvate
                                    1. Forms Acetyl
                                      1. Combines with coenzyme A (COA)
                                        1. Forms Acetyl COA
                                          1. No ATP used or produced
                              2. Oxidative Phosphorylation
                                1. Net Produced
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