Values & culture


P1 - IA Environment Mind Map on Values & culture, created by cammcd28 on 29/08/2014.
Mind Map by cammcd28, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cammcd28 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Values & culture
  1. Both expressed through mission statement
    1. Defining values part of first step of strategy formulation
      1. Define vision, mission & values
      2. Culture = values, beliefs, customs & practices within an organisation
        1. how things are done round here
          1. develops as people work together
            1. passed on to new employees
              1. may be multiple cultures in an organisation
              2. Schein's theory of organisational culture (1992)
                1. 3 levels
                  1. artefacts
                    1. surface level of the org
                      1. easily seen & felt
                        1. eg clothing, rituals & ceremonies
                        2. beliefs & values
                          1. next level
                            1. mission & strategy
                              1. conscious goals
                                1. criteria for measuring results
                                2. basic underlying assumptions
                                  1. deeply embedded & unconscious
                                3. have to consider all 3 when analysing culture
                                  1. Leaders have to understand the culture to lead effectively & manage change
                                4. What makes a culture successful?
                                  1. Structure & management
                                    1. Vision & mission
                                      1. Staff
                                      2. Handy's 4 cultural types
                                        1. Power
                                          1. work driven by central authority
                                            1. requires buy-in of people down key channels
                                            2. Role culture
                                              1. tasks initiated from top down
                                                1. also down each leg
                                                  1. follows agreed structures & protocols
                                                2. Task
                                                  1. power flows in all directions
                                                    1. project or customer-focused objectives
                                                    2. to achieve objectives have to take key decison-makers with you
                                                    3. Person
                                                      1. Individuals very important
                                                        1. have to take everyone with you
                                                          1. eg GP partnerships
                                                      2. 4 Types (Quinn et al) - management models
                                                        1. Open systems
                                                          1. external environment vital source of ideas, energy & resources
                                                            1. complex & turbulent
                                                              1. requires vision & leadership
                                                                1. eg start-ups
                                                                2. Rational goal
                                                                  1. efficiency seeking
                                                                    1. leaders are directive, function & goal-orientated
                                                                      1. eg large businesses
                                                                      2. Internal process
                                                                        1. Avoid external world
                                                                          1. goals are known, tasks repetitive
                                                                            1. eg public sector
                                                                            2. Human relations
                                                                              1. value informal, interpersonal relations
                                                                                1. developing people
                                                                                  1. eg professional services firms
                                                                                2. Values = underlying principles that guide org
                                                                                  1. eg trust, collaboration, honesty, equality
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