English Language Section A (The Explorer's Daughter)


Brief summary of language used in an extract from Kari Herbert's, The Explorer's Daughter.
Zhiwei Yan
Mind Map by Zhiwei Yan, updated more than 1 year ago
Zhiwei Yan
Created by Zhiwei Yan over 6 years ago

Resource summary

English Language Section A (The Explorer's Daughter)
  1. Language
    1. First Paragrapgh
      1. Very descriptive. Observes the actions and movements of the Narwhals. Imagery used to set the scene helps draws the reader in.
        1. "Catching "and "playing" suggest the idea of a childlike and innocent animal.
          1. Helps later on to allow Kari to argue the ethics of hunting and survival
          2. Use of "Butter gold" and "Glinting" to describe Evening light, also creates the effect of a warmth and softness in contrast to the cold environment. Use of "Glittering Kingdom", to convey a majestic scene also suggests a form of hierarchy.
        2. Second Paragraph
          1. Use of "escaping " and "dead of winter" brings a more serious and dangerous tone. Contrasts with previous paragraph. Tension begins to rise.
            1. Abruptly changes from descriptive to factual to explain shift in mood.
            2. Third Paragraph
              1. Remains factual. Lack of emotion. Helps demonstrate that the hunters see Narwhals as food and a resource to survival
                1. "The Narwhal is an essential contributor..." Informative, and factual.
                2. Final Paragraph
                  1. "My heart leap out for both hunter and narwhal." Use of metaphor to explain her conflicted emotions.
                    1. "To dive, to leave, to survive." Triplet to emphasise desperation.
                      1. "Hunting is an absolute necessity in Thule." Blunt statement to conclude. Use of "Absolute" to express the importance of hunting for survival.
                      2. Fourth Paragraph
                        1. Switches back to descriptive and emotional writing
                          1. "The women clustered on the knoll of the lookout, binoculars pointing in every direction." Use of clustered and pointing in every direction raises tension and gives off a sense of disturbance and nervousnes
                        2. Theme
                          1. Discusses and argues the ethics of Narwhal hunting.
                            1. Purpose is to convey and opinion and discuss an issue
                          2. Context
                            1. Extract isn't about the story itself, but rather the though process and internal conflict with the writers head.
                              1. The Author, Kari Herbert, is the daughter of the famous explorer Sir Wally Herbert. She lived amongst the Inuit and sympathises with their culture and distinct identity while also living amongst modernised society.
                                1. Her goal with this extract is to convey information towards readers from modern society and to familiarise the Inuit culture.
                                  1. Written for modern society, for young adults and parents.
                                2. Structure
                                  1. Designed and told chronologically. Linear
                                    1. Storytelling fashion.
                                      1. Also puts emphasis on struggle between animal and man.
                                        1. Very autobiographical but entertains audience
                                          1. Informative both scientifically and ethically
                                        2. Use of language raises suspense.
                                          1. Each paragraph switches between informative and descriptive
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