Health and Hygiene


mapa mental ingles 3
Carolina ayala aldana
Mind Map by Carolina ayala aldana, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina ayala aldana
Created by Carolina ayala aldana almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Health and Hygiene
  1. Technique for hand washing
    1. 5 Moments to wash your hands
      1. It is very important to use the elements of personal protection
        1. Adequate hygiene prevents the spread of many diseases
          1. So avoid biological risks
            1. They are the infectious agents that harm the health of humans
            2. Avoid contact with fluids in mucous membranes and skin
              1. Classify waste into dangerous and not dangerous
                1. Dangerous
                  1. Biological or Infectious
                  2. No Dangerous
                    1. Organic or Biodegradable
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