Created by Rafael Pôssas
over 10 years ago
Question | Answer |
To bear a striking resemblance (Describing People) | Parecer/Lembrar uma pessoa I’ve always thought she bears a striking resemblance to someone on TV |
To go grey (Describing People) | Ficar com cabelos brancos We all go grey Eventually |
In her/his 30s/40s (Describing People) | Nos seus 30/40 He was in his 30s at that time |
To look young for his/her age (Describing People) | Parecer novo para sua idade He looked young for his age |
Medium height (Describing People) | Altura na média He was medium heigth and had a slim figure |
Middle aged (Describing People) | Estar entre 45-65 anos He was also middle-aged |
To be overweight (Describing People) | Estar acima do peso She was a little overweigth either |
Shoulder Length Hair (Describing People) | Cabelo na altura do ombro She is a Brunete with Shoulder Length Hair |
To get done up (Describing People) | Vestir-se elegantemente/inteligentemente I know some people get done up just to go to the shops |
Lose one’s figure (Describing People) | Envelhecer we all go grey eventually and get hard of hearing … we start to lose our figure … that’s why plastic surgery is so popular |
Cropped Hair (Describing People) | Cabelo muito curto Take my brother for example, he has short cropped hair |
Take after somebody (Personality and Character) | Puxar alguém Everyone tells me I take after my mum as I’m quite laid-back |
Introverts (Personality and Character) | Introvertido I seem to be attracted to introverts or painfully shy people |
To bend over backwards (Personality and Character) | Tentar muito ajudar alguém She would also bend over backwards to help us with our work |
Quick Tempered (Personality and Character) | Temperamento explosivo If you are fair-minded you’ ll be less likely to overreact to situations or be quick-tempered |
Fair minded (Personality and Character) | Tratar pessoas igualmente and if you are fair-minded you’ ll be less likely to overreact to situations or be quick-tempered … |
Self-assured (Personality and Character) | Confiante/Seguro I certainly would want my children to be self-confident and self-assured |
Fun-loving (Personality and Character) | Amante da diversão I’d say we’re fun-loving and tend to be a bit extroverted |
Broad Minded (Personality and Character) | Mente aberta My brother is a broad minded person, and that's why I like him very much |
Good Company (Personality and Character) | Boa companhia I like going out with him because he is a such good company |
To put others first (Personality and Character) | Pensar nos outros antes de você mesmo She always put us first and often stayed around at the end of class |
Thick Skinned (Personality and Character) | Não é afetado facilmente por críticas Probably people who are thick-skinned will suffer less from stress and anxiety |
Residential Area (Town and Cities) | Área Residencial I live in a residential area of a busy town |
Lively bars and restaurants (Towns and Cities) | Bares e restaurantes animados Belo Horizonte is known by its lively bars and restaurants |
Within walking distance from shops/bars/restaurants (Towns and Cities) | Com uma distância que da para ir a pé I live within a walking distance from bars and restaurants |
Tree Lined Streets (Town and Cities) | Ruas com árvores nos dois lados My neighborhood has tree lined streets which makes it ideal for people who likes to jog |
Office Block (Town and Cities) | Prédios comerciais City centres are usually full of office blocks and can be crowded sometimes |
To get around (Town and Cities) | Andar por um lugar Belo Horizonte has a terrible public transport system and because of that it is not easy to get around |
Public spaces (Town and Cities) | Lugares Público It is also nice that the city have a lot of public spaces in which we can spend some quality time with our family |
Sprawling City (Town and Cities) | Cidade que cresceu rapidamente Sao Paulo is a sprawling city and because of that the public transport system is a chaos |
Tourist Attractions (Town and Cities) | Atrações turísticas Although NY doesn't have a lot of tourist attractions it is a remarkable city to visit |
To Close down (Town and Cities) | Fechar/Falir I heard that the bakery close to my condo closed down |
Peaceful, Quite, Calm (Town and Cities) | Pacífico, Quieto e Calmo My neighborhood is a peaceful, quiet and calm place to live |
Traditional, Modern, Old-fahsioned (Town and Cities) | Tradicional, Moderna, Antiga Usually cities in europe are both traditional and old fashioned while cities in United States have a more modern architecture |
Spetacular views of the City (Town and Cities) | Vista espetacular da cidade My bedroom is my favorite place of my house as it has spetacular views of the City, specially at night |
Plenty of Fresh Air, Open Fields (Town and Cities) | Ar puro, campos abertos The maind advantage of living in the countryside is that you have plenty of fresh air and also lots of open fields |
Get a Bit Noisy (Town and Cities) | Ficar barulhento Living in a City Center can get a bit noisy sometimes |
Very well located (Town and Cities) | Bem Localizado I would like to live in a very well located apartament, not close or far from the city centre |
The suburbs (Accomodation) | Área residencial no limite das grandes cidades I would rather live in the suburbs than in the city centres |
Take out a mortgage (Accomodation) | Fazer um financiamento In order to buy my own home I need to take out a mortgage |
Home comforts (Accomodation) | Confortos de Casa I would love to be able to take all my home comforts with me whenever I travelled |
Property Market (Accomodation) | Mercado Imobiliário The property market is not good in Brazil |
House warming Party (Accomodation) | Festa de comemoração de nova casa After buying my house I would definitely do a house warming party |
To get on the property ladder (Accomodation) | Ir comprando casas melhores com o tempo My first objective after marrying is to get on the property ladder |
To put down a deposit (Accomodation) | Dar uma entrada em um imóvel Im saving up to put down a deposit on a house or an apartment |
Back Garden (Accomodation) | Jardim nos fundos Most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back gardens |
Concierge and Groundkeeper (Accomodation) | Porteiros e Caseiros Having a concierge increases the condo fees |
Gated Community (Accomodation) | Condomínio residencial fechado I recently bought a plot in a gated community |
Condo (Accomodation) | Prédio com apartamentos I would rather live in a condo than a house as it is safer |
Maintenance/Service/Condo Fee (Accomodation) | Taxa de condomínio The maintenance fee in a gated community is very expensive |
Dweller (Accomodation) | Condominos The condo dwellers are more demanding than gated community dwellers |
Live on Campus / Student Digs (Accomodation) | Viver na universidade Whenever I go to the university I'd probably live on campus |
All the mod cons (Accomodation) | Utensílios domésticos (Lavadora, Geladeira etc) In order to live with comfort I need all the mod cons in my house |
To get away from it all (Holidays) | Ficar longe do stress I hate tourist traps. I like to get away from it all and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track |
To go sightseeing (Holidays) | Visitar atrações turísticas I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours |
Self-Catering (Holidays) | Ser responsável pela própria alimentação Whenever I go on a vacation with my girlfriend we like to stay in self-catering apartments as it is cheaper than staying in a hotel |
Out of Season (Holidays) | Fora de temporada I decided to go out of season in the autumn |
Holiday of a lifetime (Holidays) | Melhor férias da vida Last year I had the holiday of a lifetime |
Breathtaking view (Holidays) | Vista de tirar o fólego After we climbed the statue with liberty we were able to see a breathtaking view |
Tourist trap (Holidays) | Armadilha para turistas I try to avoid tourist traps as they are usually crowded |
Hordes of Tourists (Holidays) | Hordas de turistas NY can get very busy with hordes of tourists so maybe it is better to go out of season |
All in Package / Holiday Package (Holidays) | Pacotes fechados de viagem I never buy All in Packages as they are often more expensive than booking everything individually |
Local Crafts (Holidays) | Artesanato local Minas geras is famous by its the small cities with amazing local crafts |
Places of Interest (Holidays) | Atrações Turísticas I enjoy visiting the local places of interest |
To drift apart (Relationships) | Afastar de algum amigo/pessoa In the last years we drifted apart but we are still good friends |
To get to know (Relationships) | Conhecer alguem We got to know each other during the high school |
To get on well with (Relationships) | Se dar bem com alguém My family does not get on well as we don't have a lot in common |
To hit it off (Relationship) | Ficar amigos rapidamente I think we really hit it off since the first day of college as we have a lot in common |
To settle down (Relationships) | Ficar mais tranquilo I think we’re both ready to settle down and have children |
To have ups and downs (Relationships) | Altos e Baixos All relationships have their ups and downs |
To keep in/lose touch with (Relationships) | Manter/Perder o contato com Although I tried to keep in touch with him, we drifted apart |
Go back years (Relationships) | Vem de anos atrás I think our friendship go back years to when we were at school |
To fall out with (Relationships) | Discordar de alguém Despite the fact that we are good friends we usually fall out with each other |
To see eye to eye on (Relationships) | Concordar em algo We see eye to eye in most subjects so we never fall out with each other |
to work at a relationship (Relationships) | Tentar fazer um relacionamento durar People in modern society don't work at a relationship as they used to do |
Fitness programme (Sports) | I should get a personal trainer … someone who will sort out a fitness programme for me and make me train hard |
To get into shape (Sports) | Ficar em forma I need to get into shape as I am overweight and that is bad to my health |
To go jogging (Sports) | Andar/Correr na rua I go jogging everyday when I am on a balanced diet |
To take out exercise (Sports) | Começar a fazer exercícios I need to take out exercises otherwise I will suffer from severe health issues in the near future |
To train hard (Sports) | Treinar pesado If you want to be well built you need to train hard |
Dead straight hair (Describing People) | Cabelo Muito liso I take after my mom as we both have a dead straight black hair |
To be full up (Food) | Estar cheio I’m always totally full up by the end |
To be starving hungry (Food) | Estar morto de fome We were both starving hungry by the end of the day so we decided to eat pizza |
To bold something down/To grab a bite to eat (Food) | Engolir rápido, fazer um lanchinho I suppose it’s true that people will often eat a quick snack because they’re bored not because they’re dying of hunger … and often they just bolt it down and don’t savour it |
To eat a balanced diet (Food) | Comer uma dieta balanceada If you want to lose weight you need to learn to eat a balanced diet |
To eat like a horse (Food) | Comer muito I was so hungry that I ate like a horse |
To have a sweet tooth (Food) | Gostar de doces Its a challenge to lose weight as I think I have a sweet tooth |
To wine and Dine (Food) | Comer e beber It is a fancy restaurant and a good option to take someone to wine and dine |
To work up an appetite (Food) | Aumentar o apetite actually I eat like a horse … I do a lot of sport and work up quite an appetite … |
Take away (Food) | Marmita Sometimes we are too tired to sit in a restaurant and our main option is a take away |
Roast (Food) | Assar I love roasted chicken, I think it is one of my favorite dishes |
Tuck into (Food) | Comer com prazer It's always a pleasure to see your friends tucking into something you've cooked yourself |
Attend classes (Education | Assistir a aulas If you want to graduate with honours you need to attend all classes |
Distance Learning / Face to Face Learning (Education) | Ensino a distância/presencial Nowadays, distance learning is more common than face to face learning |
To keep up with your studies (Education) | I’m pretty good at meeting deadlines and I’m keeping up with my studies |
To learn something by heart (Education) | Memorizar algo If you want to do well on your IELTS you need to learn verb tenses by heart |
To take a year out (Education) | Tirar um ano antes de ir para universidade If possible I would like to take a year out before university |
To work your way through university (Education) | Trabalhar durante a faculdade I couldn't get the best grades as I had to work my way through university |
To give feedback (Education) | Dar feedback It's important that teachers give feedback to their students |
A dead end job (Work) | Trabalho sem oportunidades de crescimento As long as I’m not stuck behind a desk doing something boring in a dead-end job I’ll be happy |
A good team player (Work) | Saber trabalhar em equipe In order to succeed in modern society you need to be a good team player |
High powered Job (Work) | Trabalho importante I’d hope to be working … not a high-powered job … but I’m quite a creative person so something where I can work with my hands would be nice |
One of the perks of the job (Work) | Uma das vantagens One of the perks of being a consultant is that you can see new places as you are constantly traveling |
To run your own business (Work) | Tocar seu próprio negócio I've always had this dream of running my own business |
To be stuck behind a desk (Work) | Ficar presto atrás de uma mesa as long as I’m not stuck behind a desk doing something boring in a dead-end job I’ll be happy |
To be well paid (Work) | Ser bem pago Not only you need a good job but you also need to be well paid |
To get stuck in a rut | To be in a job that is hard to leave I can’t imagine it being the kind of job where you get stuck in a rut |
To be a bit off colour (Health) | Sentir-se doente Last week I was a bit off colour with a blocked nose and a sore throat. In the beggining I had a little headache as well |
To phone in sick (Health) | Ligar falando que estava doente I had to phone in sick in order to tell my work colleagues that I wouldn't be able to go to work until I felt better |
To catch a cold (Health) | Pegar um resfriado. Im quite healthy, but sometimes I catch a cold that usually lasts for 1 or 2 days tops |
Blocked Nose (Health) | Nariz entupido I had the usual symptoms … a blocked nose … sore throat … |
To be over the worst (Health) | I was over the worst of it after a few days and went back to work |
Cuts and Bruises (Health) | Pequenos machucados I had a bad fall recently and pulled a muscle and had a few cuts and bruises … but I’m on the mend and hope to be doing it again soon … |
As fit as fiddle (Health) | To be very healthy My grandmother is as fit as fiddle and she is 88 years old |
Prescription Charges (Health) | Well … people have to pay prescription charges which can be quite expensive |
To make an appointment (Health) | Marcar uma consulta Well, If you are dependent on your health plan you will have a hard time to make an appointment with a good doctor |
To pull a Muscle (Health) | I had a bad fall recently and pulled a muscle and had a few cuts and bruises … but I’m on the mend and hope to be doing it again soon … |
To be engrossed in (Books and Movies) | To focus in one thing I'd prefer to be engrossed in a good book |
Bedtime Reading (Books and Movies) | Leitura de cabeceira I can’t go to sleep at night without some good bedtime reading |
To be a big reader (Books and Movies) | Leitor assíduo I'm not really a big reader However, I try to read at least 1 book per year |
To be Heavy Going | Difficult to read Game of Thrones is a heavy going book |
To catch the latest movie (Books and Movies) | Assistir o último lançamento One of the things that I usually do with my girlfriend is catching the latest movie |
A page turner (Books and Movies) | A book you can't stop reading Lord of the Rings was such a page turner for me. I couldn't stop reading it. |
The setting (Books and Movies) | Where the action takes place It’s a historical novel and the setting was a fictional town called Casterbridge |
To go on a general release (Books and Movies) | To be available to general public I think it’s the whole experience that the cinema offers … going out to see a film when it goes on general release … and seeing it on the big screen is more exciting than watching the film at home on TV |
To get a good / bad review (Books and Movies) | Receber uma boa ou má crítica I think Lord of The Rings only received good reviews |
Showings (Books and Movies) | Perfomance of a Film I prefer low-budget films … sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like these … |
To be on trend (Clothes and Fashion) | Estar na moda There are those who think it’s important to look like they’re on trend |
Designer Label (Clothes and Fashion) | Roupa de marca Im not to keen on designer label clothes as I think they have the same quality as other clothes |
Dessed to Kill (Clothes and Fashion) | Dressed to attract admires She comes to work dressed to kill and I think that is quite inapropriate |
To get dressed up (Clothes and Fashion) | Special clothes to go out I prefer casual clothes actually … I hate getting dressed up for special occasions and Im also not very fond of spending too much money on those clothes |
To have an eye for (Clothes and Fashion) | Ter talento para She is always on trend, I think she has an eye for fashion |
Smart Clothes (Clothes and Fashion) | Clothes to use in formal occasions Working as a consultant means that you should always use smart clothes |
To suit someone (Clothes and Fashion) | To look good in someone I think that this style suits you just fine |
To have a sense of style (Clothes and Fashion) | To look Stylish Everything she wears really suits her and because of that I think she has a good sense of style |
To dress for the occasion (Clothes and Fashion) | if you are going out to a club or party you’re going to dress for the occasion |
Classic Style (Clothes and Fashion) | Im very fond of classic style, as it never goes out of fashion |
To balance the books (Business) | Do not spend more than you earn In order to get on the property ladder you will eventually need to balance the books |
Cut throat competition (Business) | My company has been recently involved in a cut throat competition |
To go bust (Business) | Close the business because it is unsuccessful I've been working for this company for the last 6 years until it went bust. |
To go into business with (Business) | Join a business and help to expand I was a software developer and I went into this business with 2 management consultants |
To launch a product (Business) | Lançar um produto My main objective when I joined this company was to help them launch this product |
Stiff Competition (Business) | Competição pesada Selling management software is always a stiff competition |
To take on employees (Business) | Contratar empregados After we launched the product we started to take on employees in order to build our own team |
To take out a loan (Business) | Pegar um empréstimos In order to start your own business you'll eventually need to take out a loan |
To earn a living (Business) | Se sustentar If you want to earn a living you need to work |
To do a market research (Business) | Fazer uma pesquisa de mercado Before developing this software we did an extensive market reasearch in order to improve our own product |
Lifestyle Business (Business) | Only the suficient income My father prefer to have a lifestyle business as he prefers his personal life over his professional life |
To lay someone off (Business) | Despedir Recently I had to lay off one of my employees as we are facing an economic crisis |
To raise a company profile (Business) | in fact that’s how we got to find out about his company … and he uses social media to raise the company profile |
Adoring Fans (Music) | People that usually love a band or singer I think that iron maiden has a lot of adoring fans around the world |
A catchy tune (Music) | Song that is easy to remember I think that hotel california is one of the biggest catchy tunes I have ever heard |
A huge following (Music) | Although John Mayer is a Blues Musician, he has a huge following as he focused his career in pop songs |
A massive hit (Music) | All a musician wants in his entire life is to have at least one massive hit |
Musical Talent (Music) | I've always thought that I have no musical talent at all |
Play By Ear (Music) | I've always wanted to play guitar by ear but I just dont have enough talent for it |
Take up a musical instrument (Music) | My father always wanted to take up a musical instrument, but he never had the time to do it |
To sing out of tune (Music) | I used to sing out of tune in the past, but I decided to take some singing lessons and I think I improved a lot |
To go on tour (Music) | Every musician dreams to go on tour with his band |
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