Haskell - Starting Out


Mapa del Capitulo 2
Mind Map by FONTALVO ROMERO EDUARDO JOSÉ , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by FONTALVO ROMERO EDUARDO JOSÉ about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Haskell - Starting Out
  1. Haskell is a functional lenguage
    1. Is very explicit in his functions
      1. Can't combine different types of data
        1. e.g. 5 + True
        2. Haskell have many functions already defined
          1. The functions have the value not the variables
        3. Functions are defined in a similar way that they are called
          1. We use ' to either denote a strict version of a function
          2. We can name our functions
            1. The functions can't begin with uppercase letters
            2. Haskell allows to work with lists
              1. We can name our lists
                1. Strings are just lists of characters
                  1. ['H','E','L','L','O']
                  2. Can put to lists together with ++ or :
                    1. When use ++ Haskell walks through the whole list on the left side of the ++
                      1. To put something at the beginning of a list use the :
                      2. In Haskell the lists have a particular structure
                        1. The head is the first element in the list
                          1. The tail is the all list less the head
                            1. Last is the last element in the list
                              1. Init is the all list less the last element in the list
                              2. The lists can be created starting from ranges or limits
                                1. e.g. [1..20]
                                  1. You can also use ranges to make infinite lists by just not specifying an upper limit.
                                  2. You can create lists comprehension
                                    1. hey're normally used for building more specific sets out of general sets
                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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