The Civil War


Mind Map on The Civil War, created by louisa.bisgood on 08/06/2013.
Mind Map by louisa.bisgood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by louisa.bisgood over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Civil War
  1. When the Pro-Treaty candidates were elected in 1922 the IRA split into 2 groups.
    1. Pro-Treaty = the Free Staters
      1. The Anti-Treaty = the Irregulars
      2. The war begins: In April the Irregulars captured the four courts.
        1. Michael Collins then ordered the Free State Army to shell the courts.
        2. The war ended in May but not before the death of Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith.
          1. The War created a feeling of hatred b/w The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
            1. After The Civil War the pro-treaty Sinn Féin members formed a new political group - Cumann na nGaedheal
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