

This is a mind map on Empires
Kaitlyn Burnard
Mind Map by Kaitlyn Burnard, updated more than 1 year ago
Kaitlyn Burnard
Created by Kaitlyn Burnard over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. James Town
    1. Illnesses
      1. did not know how to build
        1. struggled to grow crops
          1. fought with the natives
            1. succes at last
              1. sell tabaco back home to England
                1. people from England start to come to Virgina
                  1. sold it to the natives too
                  2. finally figured out how to grow crops
                    1. Roanoke also know as the lost colony
                      1. 150 people
                    2. examples of empires
                      1. The Roman Empire
                        1. The British Empire
                        2. British Empire
                          1. ruled over 450 million people
                            1. Britan defeated Spanish ships in 1588
                              1. Britan had land nearly 40 times the size of itself!
                                1. needed new trade routes as Spain+Portugal had more then them
                                2. Methods on how to build empires
                                  1. Force
                                    1. take over
                                      1. steal
                                        1. the most important thing is to have the biggest empire
                                        2. Spanish Empire
                                          1. controlled lots of land in the Americas.
                                            1. Spain + Portugal controlled most of the trade routes
                                              1. England had to find new trade routes because Spain+Portugal had most of them and England needed a bigger empire, the trade routes were only reachable by boat.
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