
Mind Map on BRIGHTON SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT, created by Rahul Patel on 17/09/2014.
Rahul Patel
Mind Map by Rahul Patel, updated more than 1 year ago
Rahul Patel
Created by Rahul Patel over 10 years ago

Resource summary

    1. 'Walking Tours' aimed at tourists, DOWNLOAD from city council website
      1. Treasure Hunts around city from this tour - fun and easy way to explore city (tourists)
      2. Downloadable Maps
        1. Can reach MAIN area of CITY CENTRE in 15 MINUTES (from train station)
        2. TRAINS
          1. Many DIRECT train LINKS
            1. LONDON
              1. Southhampton
                1. Eastbourne
                2. OFFERS - encourages more train travel
                  1. Can book in ADVANCE - CHEAPER
                  2. CYCLING
                    1. Cycle MAPS
                      1. ONLINE version of cycle maps (pre-plan routes)
                        1. For facilities e.g Cycle PARKING, Cycle ROUTES
                        2. MANY cycle LANES
                          1. The Drive
                            1. Old Shoreham Road
                              1. Grande Avenue
                                1. Along Seafront
                                  1. Hove to Hangleton
                                    1. Lewis Road
                                    2. Part of the NATIONAL and REGIONAL cycling NETWORK
                                      1. Reinforce SAFETY with POLICE and FIRE RESCUE service
                                      2. JOURNEY ON
                                        1. The city councils ONLINE ROUTE PLANNING website
                                          1. Allows people to see up to date information on buses, rail and roads. Can also plan journeys; this is quick, efficient and makes use of the sustainable transport available in Brighton
                                          2. SKATEBOARD BMX RIDING
                                            1. 6 different skate PARKS
                                              1. Each offer various different things - LESSONS, EQUIPMENT, SOCIALISATING
                                                1. Encourage children/teenagers to do EXERCISE whilst having FUN, and an easy way to travel through the city
                                              2. CAR RENTAL
                                                1. 'City Car Club'
                                                  1. You can RENT a CAR for an HOUR or more
                                                    1. MOBILE APP - can unlock car, book, extend booking, get directions to car and other places
                                                      1. AFFORDABLE prices and OFFERS
                                                      2. 'Easy Car Club'
                                                        1. RENT OUT your CAR or VAN when you are not using it
                                                        2. 'liftshare'
                                                          1. A website where you cab meet people in your area; CAR SHARE with them, i.e if they go in a similar direction to work as you - reduces the amount of cars on the road.
                                                        3. LOW EMISSION & ELETRIC VEHICLES
                                                          1. 50% of parking PERMIT if you own a low emissions vehicle.
                                                            1. 10 CHARGING points - 6 locations
                                                              1. Withdean
                                                                1. The Level
                                                                  1. Bartholomew Square
                                                                    1. Madeira Drive
                                                                      1. Trafalgar Street
                                                                        1. Regency Square Car Park
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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