Elfwonder physics study plan


pou ban eleve Lower 6 Mauritius college
Rashley Sanyasi
Mind Map by Rashley Sanyasi, updated more than 1 year ago
Rashley Sanyasi
Created by Rashley Sanyasi about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Elfwonder physics study plan
  1. Physical quantities and units
    1. Measurement techniques
      1. Oscillations
      2. Kinematics
        1. Dynamics
          1. Forces
            1. Work, energy, power
              1. Motion in a circle
                1. Gravitational field
                  1. Phases of matter
                    1. Deformation of solids
                      1. Ideal gases
                        1. Temperature
                          1. Thermal properties of materials
                          2. Electric fields
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