Electric Current and Potential Difference


Mind Map on Electric Current and Potential Difference, created by milliewernyj17 on 15/06/2013.
Mind Map by milliewernyj17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by milliewernyj17 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Electric Current and Potential Difference
  1. Current: rate of flow of charge round the circuit, current will only flow through a component if there is a voltage across that component
    1. Unit: ampere (A)
    2. Voltage (potential difference): the driving force which pushes the current round
      1. Unit: volt (V)= 1 joule/coulomb
      2. Resistance: Anything in a circuit that can slow the flow down
        1. Unit: ohms (Ω)
        2. The voltage and the resistance are doing opposite things so they decide how big the current will be. If you increase the voltage in a circuit then more current will flow, and if you increase the resistance then the current will decrease and slow the current down
          1. Potential difference (Voltage): Energy transferred per unit of charge passed
            1. Energy is transferred due to a change in potential difference
              1. The energy from the battery/cell is supplied to raise it through the voltage
                1. The charge lowers whenever it goes through a component anywhere in the circuit
            2. The bigger the voltage/potential difference, the more energy transferred for a given amount of charge passing through a circuit
              1. In a circuit a battery with a bigger voltage will supply more energy for every coulomb of charge that flows around it
                1. Current is conserved at a junction in a parallel circuit so no current is lost or used up. At junctions current either splits or re-joins at points in the circuit
                  1. This means that the total current entering a junction is equal to the total current leaving a junction
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