Unseen Prose Non-fiction - Question Structure


Edexcel English Language and Literature A Level- Unseen Prose Non-fiction: Question Structure
Grace Fawcitt
Mind Map by Grace Fawcitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Fawcitt
Created by Grace Fawcitt over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Unseen Prose Non-fiction - Question Structure
  1. Assessment Objectives
    1. AO1
      1. Terminology
        1. Written expression
        2. AO2
          1. Analysis
            1. Evaluation
            2. AO3
              1. Context
                1. Typically, the writer is English or American
                  1. The piece could have been written between the 18th century and the 21st century
              2. Exam information
                1. The entire paper is 2.5 hours
                  1. Spend about an hour to answer this question
                  2. 20 marks- the lowest amount of marks across the 2 exams
                    1. It is in the same paper as Gatsby and Larkin, Paper Two
                      1. If studying Gatsby and Larkin, then the theme of the unseen prose non-fiction will be 'Society and the Individual'
                        1. Other themes include 'Love and Loss', 'Encounters', and 'Crossing Boundaries'
                          1. Possible ideas/ themes
                            1. Collective experiences and loneliness
                              1. Age
                                1. New experiences
                                  1. Boredom
                                    1. City vs. Countryside
                                      1. Prejudice and discrimination
                                        1. Hierarchies
                                          1. Tradition and change
                                      2. 'Critically evaluate how the writer conveys...'
                                      3. Structure
                                        1. Establish your argument
                                          1. The writer's attitude towards...
                                            1. MAPiT
                                              1. Mode
                                                1. Audience
                                                  1. Purpose
                                                    1. Tone
                                                  2. Define the register
                                                    1. Does it meet genre conventions?
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