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'Blood Brothers' : themes and quotations
themes and quotations for blood brothers
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blood brothers
english literature
Mind Map by
Ethan Hall
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Ethan Hall
almost 7 years ago
Resource summary
'Blood Brothers' : themes and quotations
Social injustice
The police man
Threatens Mrs Johnstone with the courts however tells Mr Lyons to just dock Edwards pocket money
"He was just about to commit a very serious crime" contrasts with "it was just a simple prank Mr Lyons"
Mickey's upbringing compared to Edwards
"A silver tray to haved meals on a bike with both wheels on"
Mickey is suspended for not answering a question whereas Edward is suspended for refusing to take of the locket
Shows that the punishments are given for smaller things in more expensive schools and higher educations
"Never put new shoes on the table y' never know what'll happen"
Shows she doesn't like omens and is highly aware of them
Mrs Lyons replies with "you mean you're superstitious"
Shocking when later in the play she screams at Mr Lyons puts shoes on the table
shows everyone can become a victim to superstiton
"if you tell them you will kill them"
Using Mrs Johnstone's fears against her
Social class
Mrs Johnstone
Is so poor that she has to be bribed and give one of her newborns away, just to keep her childeren fed
Mrs and Mr Lyons
"We thought a move"
where it is actually Mrs Lyons who has made the decision to try and "protect" Edward
trying to keep kim away from Mrs Johnstone
Has no control over his life/all determined by his "superiors"
"'Gis a sweet"
Shows he doesn't have the same privelages as Edward
"I didn't sort anything out, you did! you and Councillor Eddie Lyons"
Shows he is ungateful of Eddie's help
"I wish I was our sammy"
Shows he idolises his older brother and would live his life by Sammy's example and not by his own
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