PRESENT PERFECT (juana gatti)


tema:ingles 6° grado
mica junyent
Mind Map by mica junyent, updated more than 1 year ago
mica junyent
Created by mica junyent over 6 years ago

Resource summary

PRESENT PERFECT (juana gatti)
  1. INT: have/has+person+verb
    1. EG: have you ever visited Uruguay?
    2. NEG:person+hasn't/haven't+verb
      1. EG:I haven't studied for the test
      2. AFF: person+has/have+verb
        1. EG:She has been to Colombia twice
        2. USES
          1. EXPERIENCES:
            1. I HAVE
              1. TRAVELLED
                1. PLAYED
                  1. VISITED
                2. UNFINISHED ACTIONS:
                  1. Activity that started in the past and continiousin the present
                  2. RESULTS IN THE PRESENT:
                    1. Activity that happened in the past and you see the results in the present
                    2. INFINITIVE PAST:
                      1. Something that happened in the past but you don't know excactly when
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