
Mind Map on WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO), created by valoracion negociacion on 18/09/2018.
valoracion negociacion
Mind Map by valoracion negociacion, updated more than 1 year ago
valoracion negociacion
Created by valoracion negociacion about 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations System, created in 1967 with the signing of the Stockholm Convention
    1. the mission is: take the initiative in the development of an international system of PI. balanced and effective, allowing the innovation and creativity for the benefit of all.
    2. It is dedicated to promoting the use and protection of the works of the human intellect
      1. Intellectual property is divided into two categories
        1. Industrial property
          1. which covers patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications
          2. Copyright
            1. which covers literary works (for example, novels, poems and plays), films, music, works of art (for example, drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and designs architectural
        2. Which are the five types of intellectual property and how are defined by the WIPO?
          1. Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works. Works covered by copyright range from books, music, paintings, sculpture and films, computer programs, databases, advertisements, maps and technical drawings too.
            1. Patents exclusive right granted for an invention. A patent provides the patent owner with the right to decide how - or whether - the invention can be used by others. In exchange for this right, the patent owner makes technical information about the invention publicly available in the published patent document.
              1. Trademarks is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. it date back to ancient times when artisans used to put their signature or "mark" on their products
                1. Industrial designs constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. A design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color.
                  1. Geographical indications and appellations of origin are signs used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities, a reputation or characteristics that are essentially attributable to that place of origin.
                  2. What is Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC)?
                    1. The OMPI program of technology and innovation support centers (TISC) facilitates access by innovators from developing countries to local information services on technology and other high-quality connection services, contributing to their exploitation its innovative potential as they create, protect and manage their intellectual property rights.
                      1. OMPI will implement a pilot project to create technology and innovation support centers (TISC) .
                        1. Training It actively contributes to the continuous training of CATI staff and users. This training is embodied in a series of activities that are carried out as:
                          1. workshops and training seminars at local level or regional;
                            1. courses of the OMPI Academy, especially the teaching courses to distance.
                              1. a didactic program taught by media electronic
                          2. The TISC offer services like
                            1. Internet access to patent documents and other documents (scientific and technical) and publications related to IP
                              1. assistance in finding and obtaining information on technology
                                1. database search training
                                  1. specific searches (novelty, state of the art and infractions)
                                    1. Analysis of technology and activities of the competition
                                      1. basic information on standards, management and strategy of industrial property, and on marketing and marketing of technology
                                    2. PAI Inventor Assistance Program
                                      1. It´s an initiative of WIPO in cooperation with the World Economic Forum, is the first world program of its class
                                        1. this links to inventors and small businesses with limited resources of developing countries with lawyers of patents that are willing to provide their services of legal assistance without charge to obtain of protection by patent.
                                          1. The objective of the Assistance Program Inventors is
                                            1. solving that problem by putting to the inventors and the little ones Companies that meet the criteria corresponding, in contact with a expert from your country who is willing to help them without charge. The program of Assistance to Inventors is an initiative Joint World Organization of Intellectual Property (WIPO) and the World Economic Forum, which counts with the backing of some of the main law firms and companies of the world.
                                              1. the beneficiaries are
                                                1. Inventors benefit
                                                  1. Governments and property offices intellectual
                                                    1. Patent attorneys
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