
LIS 7040 Case Study 1 Notes
Mind Map by catherinelewis71, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by catherinelewis71 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Strengths
    1. Solid foundation for a mission statement
      1. "Change lives" through self-sufficiency and sustainable farming; share it with the world
      2. Wicked Good ILS
        1. Too good to be true!
        2. Sister Agnes
          1. Student mentor
            1. Excellent negotiator (re: ILS)
            2. Acquistions
              1. HC's e-journal database
                1. Our Lady's print material on farming
                  1. FuFoo's books and journals on farming (goats)
                  2. Pansy
                    1. Teaching skills (and loves it!)
                    2. Fred & Ollie
                      1. Experts on cottage farming and goats
                        1. Fits new mission (sustainable farming)
                      2. SQU's satisfied students with traditional library services
                        1. We have a solid foundation to build upon
                      3. Weaknesses
                        1. ILS(excludes Our Lady)
                          1. HC: Home-made, books shelved by accession numbers
                            1. FuFoo: proxy server, uses SSN's and a spiral notebook- ancient!!
                              1. SQU: Text-based Telnet,;first gen DOS (!!!)
                              2. Fred and Olli'e schedules
                                1. 50 hours/week in winter, 20 hours/week during farming
                                  1. They're "employees at will"
                                2. SQU's aging staff
                                  1. Will soon be leaving the institution
                                  2. SQU's current collection
                                    1. Does not reflect new mission
                                  3. Opportunities
                                    1. Availability of committees- will help with planning (meetings are set up)
                                      1. Curriculum, Long-Range Planning, HR
                                        1. Attorney on retainer(HR: Just in case)
                                      2. Available funds
                                        1. $70,000 (Our Lady)
                                          1. $180,000 (HC)
                                            1. FuFoo's database budget: $175,000
                                            2. Pansy's, Ollie's and Fred's backgrounds in teaching
                                              1. TECHNOLOGY TRAINING RECOMMENDED BY ACCREDITATION TEAM!!
                                                1. Pansy has taught technology
                                            3. Threats
                                              1. Mildred/SQU employees
                                                1. "How are they going to fit in?...They're just not like us."
                                                2. Inequality among pay-rates
                                                  1. Our Lady: cataloging $35,000; reference $35,000; acquisitions $35,000; Sister Agnes: $35,000
                                                    1. HC: reference $50,000; catalog/acqusitions: $50,000; Brother S: $60,000
                                                      1. FuFoo: Fred $38,000; Ollie $37,500
                                                      2. Brother S re: print books
                                                        1. "Books will be obsolete soon"
                                                          1. Might fight acquisitions policies
                                                        2. Tank
                                                          1. Rude, bad attitude
                                                            1. No MLIS degree
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