Eras Geológicas 1


Describe las eras geologicas
Margarita Lacunza
Mind Map by Margarita Lacunza , updated more than 1 year ago
Margarita Lacunza
Created by Margarita Lacunza almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Eras Geológicas 1
  1. Paleozoica
    1. Cambrico
      1. Silurico
        1. Permico
        2. Azoica
          1. Sin vida
            1. Tierra incandescente
            2. Mesozoica
              1. Triasico
                1. Jurasico
                  1. Cretasico
                  2. Cenozoica
                    1. Cuaternaria
                      1. Terciaria
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