The 8 parts of speech


Sorry that everything is grey, but this topic is boring because I ALREADY KNOW THIS
Mind Map by fufumuppet, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fufumuppet about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The 8 parts of speech
  1. Noun
    1. A person, place, thing or idea
    2. Verb
      1. Represents an action or a state of being
      2. Adverb
        1. Describes a verb, adjective, or an adverb
        2. Pronoun
          1. Replaces a noun
          2. Adjective
            1. Describes a noun or pronoun
            2. Conjunction
              1. Links words and phrases together
              2. Interjection
                1. Used to express feeling
                2. Preposition
                  1. Shows the position of a noun or pronoun
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