Types Of Unemployment


Types of Unemployment in macroeconomics
Andrew Kang
Mind Map by Andrew Kang, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user about 8 years ago
Andrew Kang
Copied by Andrew Kang over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Types Of Unemployment
  1. Technological
    1. innovations which increase productivity creates unemployment
      1. rise of internet has displaced workers
        1. Workers with low and outdated skills are most likely to be affected.
        2. Frictional Unemployment
          1. Transitional Unemployment because people are moving between jobs
            1. Unavoidable and desirable as job vacancies can be fulfilled.
            2. Structural Unemployment
              1. When there is a long-term decline in demand in an industry
                1. Leading to fewer jobs demanded
                  1. Jobs on a production line being replaced by robots
                    1. Most things now done online eg. Online banking
                      1. Unemployment caused by foreign competition
                      2. Mismatch between workers' skills and requirements in new jobs
                        1. Workers need to be re-trained and given experience
                        2. Globalisation
                          1. trade between countries has changed
                          2. Causes
                            1. Decline in manufacturing Industry
                              1. Occupational Immobility- when it is difficult to move between jobs
                                1. Geographical Immobility- When it is difficult to move between areas
                                  1. Robots replacing jobs
                                    1. Foreign Competition- imports increased
                                      1. Long term Regional decline
                                        1. Outsourcing production Overseas
                                      2. Cyclical Unemployment
                                        1. Involuntary unemployment due to lack of demand for goods and services
                                          1. During Recession unemployment increases as businesses fail
                                            1. Workers made redundant off
                                              1. Firms reduce employment to cut costs
                                                1. Labour Shedding
                                              2. Unemployment also occurs during slowdown phase of an economy
                                                1. More likely to occur when there is a negative output gap
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