Skeletal System


axial vs appendicular skeleton, class of bones, cartilage, vertebrae,
Alia Razak
Mind Map by Alia Razak, updated more than 1 year ago
Alia Razak
Created by Alia Razak almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Skeletal System
  1. Osteology
    1. Varieties of bones
      1. Compact
        1. Cancellous
        2. Contents of bone
          1. 30% organic substances
            1. Disease
              1. Rickets/Osteomalacia
                1. Osteoporosis
              2. 67% inorganic substances
              3. 7 Bone classes
                1. Short bone
                  1. Sutural bone
                    1. Sesamoid bone
                      1. Pneumatic bone
                        1. Long bone
                          1. Flat bone
                            1. Irregular bone
                            2. Cartilage
                              1. Type of cartilage
                                1. Hyaline cartilage
                                  1. facilitating smooth movements at joints.
                                  2. Elastic cartilage
                                    1. great flexibility that able to withstand repeated bending
                                    2. Fibrocartilage
                                      1. owes its inflexibility and toughness
                                    3. Function
                                      1. form structural support in flexible part
                                        1. achieve smooth movement at the joints
                                          1. involve in the growth of bone
                                            1. repair of bones
                                          2. Bone function
                                            1. Support, protection, movement
                                              1. Mineral storage, Blood cell formation
                                            2. Skeletal organization
                                              1. 126 Appendicular bones
                                                1. Pectoral girdle
                                                  1. incomplete ring that support upper limbs
                                                    1. 2 Scapulae
                                                      1. 2 Clavicles
                                                    2. Pelvic girdle
                                                      1. support and protect lower abdominal and pelvic organ
                                                        1. 2 Coxal bones
                                                          1. Sacrum
                                                        2. Attached limbs
                                                          1. Lower limbs
                                                            1. Femur
                                                              1. Tibia, Fibula
                                                                1. Foot
                                                                2. Upper limbs
                                                                  1. Humerus
                                                                    1. Hand
                                                                      1. Radius, Ulna
                                                                  2. 80 Axial bones
                                                                    1. 22 Skull
                                                                      1. 8 Cranial bones
                                                                        1. 13 Facial bones
                                                                          1. Mandible
                                                                          2. Vertebral column
                                                                            1. 12 Thoracic
                                                                              1. articulate with ribs
                                                                              2. 7 Cervical
                                                                                1. comprise neck, support head
                                                                                2. 5 Lumbar
                                                                                  1. support weight of body
                                                                                  2. 4 Fused Coccyx
                                                                                    1. 5 Fused Sacrum
                                                                                    2. Thoracic cage
                                                                                      1. Ribs
                                                                                        1. 1-7 True/Vertebrosternal
                                                                                          1. 8-10 False/Vertebrochondrial
                                                                                            1. 11-12 Floating ribs
                                                                                            2. Support pectoral girdle and upper limbs
                                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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