Main features of Mendeley


Mind map which explains the main features of the BMA Mendeley
Marina Muñoz
Mind Map by Marina Muñoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Marina Muñoz
Created by Marina Muñoz about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Main features of Mendeley
  1. Web Importer
    1. Browser extension
      1. Edit information
        1. Synchronize local folders
        2. Groups
          1. Private
            1. Invite-only
              1. Open
              2. Adding references
                1. Manually
                  1. Indirectly
                    1. In PDF format


                      • By dragging files from your PC
                      1. Direct method
                        1. Web Importer
                      2. Adding bibliographic references to your text
                        1. Single references
                          1. Copy and paste
                          2. Download a plug
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