Activity - 30' - G1 Bathe dolls / G2 - Draw with wet chalk on camurça paper.
Snack - 30'
Washing hands - 10'
Brush teeth - 15'
"Read" a book (in our new and special spot) - 15"
Playground - 30'
Good bye circle - 15'
Tuesday jan 5th
Circle time - 15'
Playground - 30'
Music Class - 30'
Activity - 10' - WG - Play Simon Says
Washing hands - 10'
Snack - 30'
Brush teeth - 15'
"Read" a book (in our new and special spot) - 15"
Playground - 30'
Good bye circle - 15'
Wednesday jan 6th
Circle time - 15'
Playground - 30'
Water time - 10"
Story time - 10'
Activity - 30' - G1 Motion lotion - spread some body lotion on the dolls / G2
- Walk on a straight line (masking tape on the floor)
Washing hands - 10'
Snack - 30'
Brush teeth - 15'
"Read" a book (in our new and special spot) - 15"
Playground - 30'
Good bye circle - 15'
Thursday jan 7th
Circle time - 15'
Playground - 30'
Water time - 10"
Story time - 10'
Activity - 30' - G1 Smelly paint - encourage toddlers to paint paper
plates with a mixture of jelly powder and glue (different colors and
flavours) - / G2 - Play with colored rice - sand table)
Washing hands - 10'
Snack - 30'
Brush teeth - 15'
"Read" a book (in our new and special spot) - 15"
Playground - 30'
Good bye circle - 15'
Friday jan 8th
Circle time - 15'
Playground - 30'
Water time - 10"
Library and story time - 20'
Activity - 20' - WG - try and knock down the bowling pins
Washing hands - 10'
Snack - 30'
P.E Class - 30'
Brush teeth 15'
Free play with toys 15'
Good bye circle
Material list : 10 gizes de lousa de cores variadas / 5 folhas de papel camurça preto ou azul escuro/ 1 tubo pequeno de creme
hidratante infantil / 1 pacote de gelatina de abacaxi, 1 de limão, 1 de morango, 1 de uva/ 12 pratinhos de papel
OBS. as quantidades de materiais da lista acima são para apenas 1 turma. Necessário comprar 4 vezes a quantidade mencionada (4 pacotes de gelatina de abacaxi, 4 de limão, etc.)