Created by Maddie McIntyre
about 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
El boligrafo | Ballpoint pen |
El borrador | Eraser |
La calculadora | Calculator |
El calendario | Calendar |
La computadora | Computer |
El cuaderno | Notebook |
El diccionario | Dictionary |
El dinero | Money |
El escritorio | Desk |
El examen | Exam/test |
El lapiz | Pencil |
Los lapices | Pencils |
La leccion | Lesson |
El libro (de texto) | (Text)book |
La luz | Light |
Las luces | Lights |
El mapa | Map |
La mochila | Backpack |
La palabra | Word |
La pantalla | Screen |
El papel | Paper |
La pizarra | Chalkboard |
La pluma | Fountain pen |
El reloj | Watch |
La silla | Chair |
La tarea | Homework |
La tiza | Chalk |
Objetos de la clase | Objects in the classroom |
Colores | Colours |
Amarillo | Yellow |
Anaranjado | Orange |
A | Blue |
Blanco | White |
Marron | Brown |
Morado | Purple |
Negro | Black |
Rojo | Red |
Verde | Green |
Cursos y especializaciones | Courses and majors |
La administracion de empresas | Business administration |
El arte | Art |
Las ciencias | Science |
La computacion | Computer science |
El derecho | Law |
La economia | Economics |
La educacion | Education |
La geografia | Geography |
La historia | History |
La ingenieria | Engineering |
Las lenguas extranjeras | Foreign languages |
La literatura | Literature |
Las matematicas | Maths |
La medicina | Medicine |
La musica | Music |
El periodismo | Journalism |
La sicologia | Psychology |
La sociologia | Sociology |
Las lenguas | Languages |
El aleman | German |
El chino | Chinese |
El espanol | Spanish |
El frances | French |
El ingles | English |
El italiano | Italian |
El japones | Japanese |
El portugues | Portuguese |
El ruso | Russian |
El(la) amigo(a) | Friend |
El(la) companero(a) de clase | Classmate |
El(la) companero(a) de cuarto | Roommate |
El (la) estudiante | Student |
El hombre | Man |
La mujer | Woman |
El (la) novio/novia | Boyfriend/Girlfriend |
El (la) profesor(a) | Teacher/professor |
Lugares y edificios universitarios | University locations and buildings |
El apartmento | Apartment |
La biblioteca | Library |
La cafeteria | Cafeteria |
El centro estudiantil | Student center |
El colegio universitario | Community college, 2-year college |
El gimnasio | Gymnasium |
La libreria | Bookstore |
La oficina | Office |
La residencia | Dormitory |
La hora | Time |
Ahora | Now |
A tiempo | On time |
de (por) la manana (tarde/noche) | In the morning (afternoon/evening) |
En punto | On time |
El fin de semana | Weekend |
Hoy | Today |
Manana | Tomorrow |
La medianoche | Midnight |
El mediodia | Noon |
El reloj | Clock |
Tarde | Late |
Temprano | Early |
Todos los dias | Every day |
A que hora? | At what time? |
Que hora es? | What time is it? |
Los dias de la semana | The days of the week |
El lunes | Monday |
El martes | Tuesday |
El miercoles | Wednesday |
El jueves | Thursday |
El viernes | Friday |
El sabado | Saturday |
El domingo | Sunday |
Articulos | Articles |
El | The (masc.) |
La | The (fem.) |
Los | The (masc. plural) |
Las | The (fem. plural) |
Un(o) | A (masc) |
Una | A (fem.) |
Unos | Some (masc.) |
Unas | Some (fem.) |
Verbos | Verbs |
Ayudar | To help |
Bailar | To dance |
Buscar | To look for |
Caminar | To walk |
Cantar | To sing |
Comprar | To buy |
Contestar | To answer |
Descansar | To rest |
Desear | To want, to wish |
Dibujar | To draw |
Ensenar | To teach |
Entrar | To enter |
Eschuchar | To listen |
Esperar | To hope, to expect |
E | To study |
Llamar | To call; to phone |
Llegar | To arrive |
Mandar | To send |
Mirar | To watch |
Necesitar | To need |
Pagar | To pay |
Pasar tiempo | To pass the time |
Practicar | To practice |
Preguntar | To ask (a question) |
Regresar | To return |
Terminar | To finish |
Tocar | To touch; to play an instrument |
Tomar | To take |
Trabajar | To work |
Usar | To use |
Viajar | To travel |
Visitar | To visit |
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