Managing Stress


A2 level Psychology Mind Map on Managing Stress, created by annbelltrouser on 19/11/2014.
Mind Map by annbelltrouser, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annbelltrouser almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Managing Stress
    1. Ellis (1977)
      1. Rational Emotive Therapy
        1. Irrational thinking
          1. Awfulising
            1. Can't-stand-itus
              1. Musterbating
          2. Cognitive Restructuring


            • A - Activating Experience (cause of upset) B - Beliefs and thoughts (response to the upset) C - Consequences (results of irrational thought)  D - Disputing (irrational thought logically examined) E - Effect (restructuring beliefs to be rational)  
            1. Meta analysis
              1. by Engels
                1. effective therapies score 0.8+
                  1. RET scored 1.62
          3. lack of information
            1. misperceptions
              1. irrational beliefs
            2. demand is a threat to wellbeing
              1. don't have the resources to meet demand
                1. STRESS <-
            3. BEHAVIOURAL
              1. McGrath (1990)
                1. Systematic Desensitisation
                  1. Facing the fear


                    • 1) construct a hierarchy of feared situations 2) train the patient in relaxation techniques; deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and visualisation 3) introduce patient to each situation, from least feared to most feared.
                    1. Lucy


                      • 9 year old girl, under average IQ, fear of sudden loud noises. Not depressed or anxious. 10 therapy sessions Parental consent 
                      1. 1) Hierarchy
                        1. balloons
                          1. party poppers
                            1. cap guns
                            2. 2) Training
                              1. visualisation


                                • at home on bed with toys
                                1. deep breathing
                                2. 3) Confrontation


                                  • Had a 'fear thermometer' Could measure fear from 1 to 10 
                                  1. introduced to balloons


                                    • First session: didn't want balloon burst at end of corridor Fifth session: Lucy could pop a balloon herself 
                                    1. 7/10 to 3/10
                                    2. introduced to party poppers


                                      • Beginning: didn't allow them in consulting room End: Lucy could use a popper if therapist held it. 
                                      1. 9/10 to 3/10
                                      2. introduced to cap guns


                                        • Agreed to have one fired in consulting room
                                        1. 8/10 to 5/10
                                3. Classical conditioning
                                  1. Fear (stress) learnt by associating a situation with an unpleasant event
                                    1. desensitisation: pairing feared situation with something neutral or pleasant
                                4. SOCIAL
                                  1. Waxler-Morrison (1993)
                                    1. how social relationships affect a woman's reaction to breast cancer and her survival
                                      1. 133 women with breast cancer


                                        • All under 55 (pre-menopausal) Vancouver, Canada Confirmed cancer 
                                        1. -> QUASI <-
                                      2. Questionnaires, interviews, medical records


                                        • Checked medical files for cancer diagnosis JUNE 1980 Checked survival and recurrence JANUARY 1985 
                                        1. responsibilites
                                          1. support network
                                            1. marital status
                                              1. home life
                                              2. MORE support = BETTER survival


                                                • factors affecting survival; marital status, support and contact from friends,  total support, social network, employment 
                                                1. survival also dependent on cancer stage
                                              3. Stroebe (2000)
                                                1. Emotional support (empathy, care, love)
                                                  1. Instrumental support (direct help, taking responsibilty)
                                                    1. Informational support (routes to helpful knowledge)
                                                      1. Appraisal support (self-evaluation)
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