Burns - Justin Blocker


Mind Map on Burns - Justin Blocker, created by Justin Blocker on 29/03/2019.
Justin Blocker
Mind Map by Justin Blocker, updated more than 1 year ago
Justin Blocker
Created by Justin Blocker over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Burns - Justin Blocker
  1. 1st
    1. Redness
      1. Superficial
        1. Pain
          1. No Blisters
            1. Only damages epidermis
              1. Treatment
                1. skin care products
                  1. Anti biotics
                  2. No scars
                    1. Couple of days to heal
                  3. 2nd
                    1. Damages epidermis and upper part of dermis
                      1. Red
                        1. Blistered
                          1. Swollen
                            1. Painful
                              1. Treatment
                                1. Anti biotic creams
                                  1. Ointments prescribed by doctor
                                  2. No scars most of time, may scar
                                    1. around a week to heal
                                  3. 3rd
                                    1. Destroy epidermis and dermis
                                      1. Damages lowest layer, Hypodermis
                                        1. Looks
                                          1. White
                                            1. Blackened
                                              1. Charred
                                              2. Treatment
                                                1. Skin grafting
                                                  1. Synthetic skin
                                                    1. IV Fluids
                                                      1. Antibiotics
                                                      2. Will scar over burned area
                                                        1. Skin Grafting can prevent scars
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