integumentary system


study of the skin
Laura Miller
Flashcards by Laura Miller, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura Miller
Created by Laura Miller about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
dermatology study of the skin
organization of the skin epidermis dermis hypodermis
# epidermis layers 4-5
type of tissue in epidermis Keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium
cell types in epidermis keratinocytes malanocytes
keratinocytes contain keratin
keratin tough protein that protects and waterproofs skin
malanocytes produce malanin
melanin pigment
5 layers epidermis (stratum) corneum lucidum granulosum spinosum basale
stratum corneum top layer of epidermis 25-30 layers of dead keratinocytes
stratum lucidum ONLY in thick skin areas 3-5 layers of flattened clear, dead keratinocytes
stratum granulosum middle layer water repellant sealant keratinocytes start to die here
stratum spinosum strength and flexibility
stratum basale bottom layer epidermis cells undergo mitosis
disorders of epidermis callus psoriasis moles dandruff warts
callus abnormal thickening of epidermis
psoriasis keratinocytes divide and move too quickly to stratum corneum
dermis connective tissue
regions of dermis papillary reticular
papillary(1/3) superficial dermal papillae ridges(grip) meissners corpuscles - tactile free nerve endings - temp, pain, itch
reticular region(2/3) deep layer subcutaneous hair follicles, nerves, oil, swet glands stretch marks(striae)
structures in reticular region hair follicles nerves oil glands sweat glands
composition subcutaneous layer(hypodermis) aeriolar connective tissue and adipose tissue has blood vessels pacinian coruscles(sense pressure)
skin color melanin - produced by melanocytes
nevus mole - benign overgrowth of melanocytes
skin color diagnostics erythema - redness (injury) cyanosis - bluish (oxygen) jaundice - yellow (liver) pallor - pale (anemia, shock)
structures found in the skin hair glands nails
hair types lanugo vellus terminal
function of hair protection
structure of hair hairbulb root follicle - skin sheath shaft - hair arrector pili - muscle
hair color comes from melanin
excessive body hair hirsutism
glands of the skin sebacious sudoriferous ceruminous
function sebacious glands oil, hair follicle, dont dry out
function sudoriferous glands sweat cool, waste, water
2 types sudoriferous merocrine - body temp apocrine - armpit, groin, BO
ceruminous glands wax
structure of nails nail body nail root eponychium
eponychium cuticle
functions of skin regulate temp store blood protection sensation excretion water & waste synthesis vitamin D
3 forms skin cancer basal cell carcinoma (78%) squamous cell carinoma ( 20%) malignant melanomas (2%)
basal cell carcinoma basale layer
squamous cell carcinoma upper epidermis
malignant melanomas occurs in melanocytes
skin cancer risks light skin sun family age immunosuppressed tanning beds
warning signs of melanoma Asymmetry Border Color Diamater Evolving
cause of burns heat electricity chemicals
types of burns 1st 2nd - epidermis & dermis, blister 3rd - all layers
death from burns shock, infection
decubitus ulcers bed sores pressure blood deficiency
athletes foot fungal
laceration cut - considered skin dissorderf
hives allergic
eczema dermatitis rash
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