Power and Conflict Poetry


Power and Conflict Poems - Mind map with name of poem and poet. UNFINISHED - debating adding dates, context, key quotes and comparison ideas.
Izzy Bateman
Mind Map by Izzy Bateman, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Bateman
Created by Izzy Bateman almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Power and Conflict Poetry
  1. Bayonet Charge
    1. Ted Hughes
    2. Ozymandias
      1. Percy Shelley
      2. London
        1. William Blake
        2. My Last Duchess
          1. Robert Browning
          2. The Prelude
            1. William Wordsworth
            2. The Charge of the Light Brigade
              1. Alfred Lord Tennyson
              2. Exposure
                1. Wilfred Owen
                2. Storm on the Island
                  1. Seamus Heaney
                  2. Remains
                    1. Simon Armitage
                    2. Poppies
                      1. War Photographer
                        1. Carol Ann Duffy
                        2. Tissue
                          1. Imtiaz Dharker
                          2. Kamikaze
                            1. Beatrice Garland
                            2. Checking Out Me History
                              1. John Agard
                              2. The Emigree
                                1. Carol Rumens
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