Population Indicators


Mind Map on Population Indicators, created by Saskia Vince on 04/01/2015.
Saskia Vince
Mind Map by Saskia Vince, updated more than 1 year ago
Saskia Vince
Created by Saskia Vince almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Population Indicators
  1. Access to safe water
    1. No. of people (%) with means of getting adequate amount of clean water
    2. Birth rate
      1. No. of births per year per 1000 population
      2. Death rate
        1. No. of deaths per year per 1000 population
        2. Fertility rate
          1. Average no. of kids a woman would expect to have in lifetime
          2. Infant mortality rate
            1. No. of children who die before their 1st birthday per 1000 babies
            2. Life expectancy
              1. Average age expected to live until
                1. 'At birth' - expected age, based on current health conditions
                2. Migration rate
                  1. Difference between people entering + leaving a country per 1000 population
                  2. Population density
                    1. No. of people per square kilometre
                    2. Adult illiteracy rate
                      1. No. of people between 15-65 who can't read, write nor do basic maths, per 1000 population
                      2. GDP
                        1. Value of goods in country in 1 year ('per capita' is divided by population)
                        2. GNP
                          1. Value of final output of goods in 1 year
                          2. PPP
                            1. Method of measuring purchasing power among different currencies
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