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The Olympians
Mind Map on The Olympians, created by Abacu RH on 12/01/2015.
Mind Map by
Abacu RH
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Abacu RH
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
The Olympians
Today the olympians, or the olympics, happen every four years
Today the olympic games, or the olympics, happen every four years and are held in a differente country each time
Top atheletes from around the world como togueter to test the killer skiils and determination in individual
Olympic gold medals, which are given only to the winner
Howewer, in order to understand the modern
The games were a mix of athletic skill and religion
They were celebrated in a festival which was dedicated to
the greek god zeus.
The olympics were also a time of political calm
Athletes travaled from all over the ancient greek world to compete in events
According to legend, a runner named coroebus was the first olympic champion
He was a local cook who was fast enought to defeat all the other competitors
Over the centuries, the olympic games developed and change.
And competition became more serious
Olympic rules were created which required olympians
They had to train with expert judges for the 30 days before the completed
They also started to include the pentathlon events
Winning an event in the ancient olympics was quite differente from winning one in todays games
Athletes recive gold, silver and bronze medals for finishing
The prize for winning was not a medal, but an olive wreath
Is was another 1,500 years before the olympic games
The first modern international olympic games were held in Athenas in 1896. Since
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