schools of thought economic


huderney saavedra
Mind Map by huderney saavedra, updated more than 1 year ago
huderney saavedra
Created by huderney saavedra over 5 years ago

Resource summary

schools of thought economic
    1. XVI, XVII and half of the XVIII in Europe
      1. trade protection
        1. State Enrichment
          1. biggest acomulation richest country
            1. GOLD AND SILVER
              1. INTERNAL MARKET
                1. formacion de precios
            2. PHYSIOGRATS
              1. Century XVIII
                1. farming
                  1. Life and Commerce
                    1. Economy of supply and demand
                      1. rejection at industries
                        1. Francois Quesnay
                    2. ESCUELA CLASICA
                      1. 18th century and during the century XIX
                        1. capitalism and industrialization
                          1. capital as the basis of wealth
                            1. Free market
                              1. Theory of distribution
                            2. SCHOOL SOCIALIST
                              1. XVlll arises and at the beginning of the century Xlx
                                1. social and economic system
                                  1. karl marx
                                    1. Friedrich Engels
                                2. SCHOOL STRUCTURALIST
                                  1. Human behavior
                                    1. The authority
                                      1. TRADITIONAL
                                        1. RATIONAL
                                          1. LEGAL-CHARISMATIC
                                        2. keynesian
                                          1. focused on the analysis of the causes
                                            1. consequences of variations of the aggregate demand
                                              1. their relationships at the level of employment and commerce
                                                1. jhon maynard keynes
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