Finding the roots of quadratic equations


10MAT1 Mind Map on Finding the roots of quadratic equations, created by fiona.pain on 04/09/2013.
Mind Map by fiona.pain, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fiona.pain almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Finding the roots of quadratic equations
  1. x(x-4) = 0
    1. x=0
      1. x-4=0 which means x=4
        1. OR
        2. 3x^2 - 7 = 0
          1. Manipulate the equation so x^2 = 7/3
            1. therefore x= +/- sq root 7/3
            2. x^2-10x+21=0
              1. cross method if possible
                1. (x-7)(x-3)=0
                  1. x-7=0 ...x=7
                    1. OR
                      1. x-3=0 ...x=3
                      2. When all else fails, use the quadratic equation
                        1. Remember the coefficients are substituted NOT the terms
                          1. Don't be lazy ... Formula line, Substitution line, then start to work it out
                          2. Completing the square
                            1. halve the x term & square it
                              1. add it to both sides of the eqation
                                1. then it becomes something like the method in the centre top
                                  1. manipulate the equation so coeffient of x^2 is +1
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