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Henry's Foreign Policy A1
Mind Map on Henry's Foreign Policy A1, created by Jake Andrews on 23/01/2015.
Mind Map by
Jake Andrews
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jake Andrews
about 10 years ago
Resource summary
Henry's Foreign Policy A1
create an alliance with Spain
marriage with Catherine of Aragon
King Ferdinand of Spain
Take back France
Henry V had taken it over but died before he could inherit the throne
Battle of the Spurs, 1513
Towns of Therouanne and Tournai were taken over
Used as Propaganda
King Louis agreed to marry Henry's sister Mary
Battle of Flodden, 1513
Scotland threatened England
James IV, raised an army of 30,000 men
Largest army in Scottish history
Earl of Surrey met them in Northumberland
James died along with 10,000 men in his army
Treaty of London, 1518
Established by Cardinal Wolsey
pope Leo X called upon the european powers to unite and join and crusade against the Ottoman Turks
Committed powers to live in peace
Any country that broke the Treaty could be invaded from the other signature countries
Each country made an individual Treaty
Henry was placed at the center of European Politics as the Arbiter of Peace
The Field of the Cloth of Gold
Constant conflict between France and Spain, even after the Treaty of London
Wolsey organised a meeting between Henry and Francis I at the Field of the Cloth of Gold
Done to impress the King of France/make Henry look good
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