M Johana Jimenez Group # 212032_17


valoracion y negociacion tecnologica Mind Map on M Johana Jimenez Group # 212032_17, created by Martha J Jimenez on 03/09/2019.
Martha J Jimenez
Mind Map by Martha J Jimenez, updated more than 1 year ago
Martha J Jimenez
Created by Martha J Jimenez over 5 years ago

Resource summary

M Johana Jimenez Group # 212032_17
  1. Combining Innovation & Technology for Real Changeuse technology and innovation
    1. tolerance for change
      1. Real innovation happens when the underlying processes are examined and transformative new ways of solving a problem
        1. tomaado de: https://newandimproved.com/2015/03/05/creative-problem-solving/
      2. innovative new technology,
        1. With the advancement and consumerization of technology, law departments are able to do more with less—and that trend will continue.the legal services market changes, this framework can provide a basis for evaluating new initiatives— both internal and external.
          1. Together, innovation and technology create a constant wave of creative destruction that stimulates economic growth by creating new inventions never before imagined
          2. tomado de: https://www.alamy.es/analisis-foda-concepto-fortalezas-debilidades-oportunidades-y-amenazas-de-la-empresa-ilustracion-vectorial-con-iconos-y-texto-image228464921.html
          3. vendor solutions
            1. Law Firm Innovation
              1. Emerging Technology
              2. Talking Tech
                1. information created by attorneys is simply unstructured, with nearly every document and email in the document management system falling into this category. Technology that creates insight from unstructured data will transform both the business and practice of law. Motion metrics, clause analytics, and time entry/narrative analytics all have profound implications.
                  1. tomado de:https://tecnologia.uncomo.com/articulo/como-almacenar-en-la-nube-gratis-24175.html
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