The Patent is a privilege granted
by the State to the inventor in
recognition of the investment and
efforts made by him to achieve a
technical solution that brings
benefits to humanity. Said
privilege consists in the right to
exclusively exploit the invention
for a certain time.
What benefits do I get when
patenting an invention?.
Be the only one who can exploit the invention for 20
years. which may consist of selling the patented
product exclusively and directly
Or through third parties granting licenses, or transferring the rights obtained
through its sale so that a third party exploits the invention.
And utility model patent 10 years
What is the office
responsible for patents in
Superintendence of Industry
and Commerce
What are the requirements of that patentability?
Originality , New, Inventive,
That has applications, That was
not exported before the
What would not be patentable?
Inventions contrary to the public order of good customs.
The inventions in microbiology and biotechnology.
Pharmaceuticals and medications on the list of essential
medications. The scientific and mathematical theories.
What rules should be consulted
to know about the procedures
for the protection of an
invention patent and the rights
of its owner?
Decision 486 of 2000 of the
Commission of the Andean
Community, rule applicable to all
member countries of the Andean
Patent fees 2019
Invention patent registration process
Registration process Utility model patent
Registration process Patent Industrial Designs
Registration process Patent Integrated circuit layout scheme
Super Intendencia de Industria y comercio, Patente (2019) Recuperado de: